Mexican-Americans were once concentrated in the states that formerly belonged to Mexico, including California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas; they began creating communities in Los Angeles, Santa Ana, California, San Francisco, Denver, Houston, San Antonio, Texas and other steel producing...
Interview: William Deverell discusses the Mexican history of Los Angeles and Southern CaliforniaRENEE MONTAGNE
The Mexican government initially promoted American settlement in parts of the territory now known as Texas in the 1820s to bolster the regional economy. As the proportion of North American settlers in these lands multiplied, however, they began to request greater local autonomy, feared the possibili...
a Mexican-American from Los Angeles, dedicated his Olympic gold to his mother, who had died of cancer two years earlier. De La Hoya was raised on the sweet science - his grandfather, Vicente, was an amateur featherweight in Durango
George Lucas, John Wayne and Neil Armstrong are among the famous alumni of this well-respected private university, founded in 1880, just north of… 7.One Archives 1.06MILES One Archives houses the world's largest LGBT library. Its roots are in One, the first homophile magazine published...
500 Swiss settlers. In the same decade John August Sutter (1803-1880) established New Helvetia in California, then still under Mexican sovereignty. When gold was discovered on his property in 1848, thousands of goldseekers overran his extensive domain, and the city of Sacramento was platted, ...
An Illustrated History of Mexican Los Angeles, 1781-1985. Chicano Studies Research Center Publications Monograph No. 12. Chapters focus on the city's Native American prehistory, early exploration, varied accounts of the founding of the city in 1781, and family portraits and... A Riosbustamante,...
California, along with the southwestern states were ceded to the United States by Mexico in 1848 after the Mexican-American War. The Southwest is distinctive because of its historical ties to colonial Spain, its Native American populations, and its regional cuisine, which has been influenced by Na...
The Chinese American Museum occupies what may seem an unlikely spot -- a corner of El Pueblo de Los Angeles, the historical park whose cultural attractions and touristy Olvera Street are reminders of the city’s Mexican American heritage. ...
I decided to try and make a group of African-Americans in Los Angeles, I said I'd do it through art, because I felt that if they knew that my intent was social or civic that they wouldn't come. More That's the L.A. that I came here for. The thing that was unique to me abo...