Louis Braille was born in the village of Coupvray, France on January 4, 1809. He lost his sight at a very young age after he accidentally stabbed himself in the eye with his father’s awl. Braille’s father was a leather-worker and poked holes in the leather goods he produced with th...
This is a collection of original documents on the history of braille and the history of the education of the blind.
Prior to Braille, blind/visually impaired people were not usually given opportunities to get an education; Valentin Haüy (1745-1822) sought to change this. Lesson Quiz Course 417 views Who Invented Braille? The current system of Braille was created by Louis Braille who became blind at ...
Origin, Meaning, And History Of Louise Louise is a feminine given name with a sophisticated and classic feel originating from France. The name is often believed to be a female variant of the famous French name Louis, a Latin derivative of the name Ludwig, which in turn derives from the Ger...
Dewey is the most significant professional in American librarianship. Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey was born to a poor family in the northern town in Adams Center, New York. As a student at Amherst College, Dewey worked at the library to pay for his education. He was disconcerted with the lac...
SectionA.Readthefollowingpassageandfillineachblankwiththeproperformofthegivenverbs. LouisBraillewasoneofthemostfamousblindpeopleintheworld.1.(bear)inanordinaryfamily,he2.(grow)upinasmalltowninFrance.Hisfatherhadasmallleather-makingshop.Oneday,3. (play)inhisfathersshop,littleBraillepickedupatoolwithasharp...
Louis Braille publishes hisBraillealphabet, a tactile reading system for the blind. 1830 – Dust jackets made of paper and sealed with wax Expensive books are protected by a dust jacket, a removable paper wrapper. The oldest one in existence is from 1830. ...
However, young Louis Braille took the idea and worked on it. At the age of fifteen, he created a system with patterns of six raised dots representing each letter. 'Braille', the system for reading used today by blind people around the world, was thus born. The blind can easily recognize...
Louis Braille,Louis Pasteur,Louisa,Louise,Louisiana,Louisiana Purchase,Louisianian,Louisville,LouisXIV,loun, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 louver,louvered,louvers,louvi,louvre,Louvre Museum,louvred,louvres,lovable,lovage, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a,...
10-01-04Today's Highlight in History: On January fourth, 1965, President Johnson outlined the goals of his Great Society in his State of the Union Address. On this date: In 1809, Louis Braille, inventor of a reading system for the blind, was born in Coupvra... ...