The British Science Guild and the British Association for the Advancement of Science had always been two different trains travelling on the same tracks and stopping at similar stations. In 1936, the inevitable happened and the organizations merged: Gregory became leader of a new Division for Social...
The Eastern Front: A History of the First World War by Nick Lloyd The Eastern Front is the second book in British military historian Nick Lloyd's trilogy about the First World War (the first book was about the Western Front). The book is around 500 pages long but it's highly readable...
doi:10.24818/ARAS/2023/4/2.05PROFIROIU, Alina GeorgianaTITIRIC, CristinaApplied Research in Administrative Sciences
Emily Brewster: Let us know what you think about Word Matters. Review us wherever you get your podcasts, or email us at You can also visit us at And for the word of the day, and all your general dictionary needs, visit Our theme...
From the ancient Romans, through the Middle Ages, to the late of the nineteenth century, the Aristotelian doctrine of spontaneous generation was one of the most basic laws. Even the invention of the microscope and investigations of Leeuwenhoek and Hook d
The Long Island Rail Road, its History: U.S.Open, Operations to Beaches, Mental Hospitals, Race Tracks, Military Camps, movement of MAIL, Freight, Cattle and Farm Produce, BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT, CONEY ISLAND, MANHATTAN BEACH, BRIGHTON BEACH, ROCKAWAY
In his Metrica, Hero provides four procedures for finding the area of a circular segment (with b the base of the segment and h its height): an Ancient meth
The Fair Labor Standards Board is the administrative body responsible for enforcing the FLSA. The board's primary duties include overseeing minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor laws in the U.S. The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor carries out ...
the other a period of centrifugal disorganizationin which creed and culture decompose in division and criticism, and end in achaos of individualism, skepticism, and artistic aberrations. WhereasSaint-Simon looked forward to...
Long runs of homozygosity (ROH) arise when identical haplotypes are inherited from each parent and thus a long tract of genotypes is homozygous. Cousin marriage or inbreeding gives rise to such autozygosity; however, genome-wide data reveal that ROH are universally common in human genomes even amo...