224 years later, the U.S. Supreme Court finally put an end to laws criminalizing same-sex intercourse inLawrence v. Texas. Lawmakers at both the state and federal level continue to target lesbians and gay men with draconian legislation and hateful rhetoric. The gay rights movement is still w...
Learn the history of the gay rights movement. Discover historical facts and important milestones in the timeline of gaining LGBTQ rights within the...
Constant Raids at Gay Bars The 1960s and preceding decades were not welcoming times for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans. For instance, solicitation of same‑sex relations was illegal in New York City. For such reasons, LGBT individuals flocked to gay bars and clubs, ...
“gay” as an umbrella term for gender and sexual minorities, the mid-to-late twentieth-century Women’s Movement provided gay women with the consciousness to articulate how their experiences differed from both heterosexual women, who comprised the majority of the Women’s Movement, and gay men....
Over the next several nights, gay activists continued to gather near the Stonewall, taking advantage of the moment to spread information and build the community that would fuel the growth of the gay rights movement. The Gay Liberation Front was formed in the years after the riots. They are pi...
As a contrast to patterns of persecution, local cultures of gender and sexual diversity evolved in various European countries, and during the twentieth century these formed a basis for LGBT rights organizing, which was also influenced by other factors such as the civil rights movement and student ...
LGBTQ+ History Month is in October and each year we mark it with spectacular events celebrating the history and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. When the observance was started, it mainly served as a call to action for the movement and its prosperity. But over the years, LGBTQ+ History...
A breakthrough for the homosexual movement occurred on April 21, 1972, with the repeal of Section 213 of the Norwegian Penal Code, which prohibited sexual acts between men, and led to a more open fight for equal rights for homosexuals. The stamp is available from the Posten Web Shop. ...
A breakthrough for the homosexual movement occurred on April 21, 1972, with the repeal of Section 213 of the Norwegian Penal Code, which prohibited sexual acts between men, and led to a more open fight for equal rights for homosexuals. The stamp is available from the Posten Web Shop. ...
A breakthrough for the homosexual movement occurred on April 21, 1972, with the repeal of Section 213 of the Norwegian Penal Code, which prohibited sexual acts between men, and led to a more open fight for equal rights for homosexuals. The stamp is available from the Posten Web Shop. ...