The History of Jazz豆瓣评分:9.3 简介:Ted Gioia's History of Jazz has been universally hailed as a classic--acclaimed by jazz critics and fans around the world. Now Gioia brings his magnificent work completely up-to-date, drawing on the l
The History of Jazz (Book).Heldrich, Philip
值得一读 鄙人此生读过字最多的一本非文学类英语书了。断断续续坚持两个月终于读完了。信息量之大实在令人惊叹。爵士史上该提到的东西基本都说到了。不仅是一本流水帐,也探讨了很多深层次的问题,比如爵士音乐风格和流派上的变化和互相之间的关系,写得都很不错,只可惜没有谢尔顿的脑力去记住每一个名字。爵士到底...
吉特勒对柯川的风格描述一一持续强烈、急速旋转的“纸片声”( sheets of sound)一经常被引用,也更为到位。就此而言,柯川把帕克的影响又往前带了一步:音符更加密集,传统的爵士乐切分手法和节奏变化更不明显。反之,柯川更青睐犹如瀑布般倾泻而下的音符、音阶、琶音和音型,有时候是短促的爆发,有时候是让人喘不过气...
This new edition brings the book completely up-to-date, including such names as John Medeski, Diana Krall, Django Bates, and Matthias Ruegg. There are also important new sections on Latin Jazz, and the repertory movement. A New History of Jazz 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 A New History of...
A comprehensive history of jazz from 1900-1950 that moves away from the clichés of most jazz works, looks at both the famous and the obscure, and presents the most detailed look available on the pre-history of jazz as well as its relationship to both country music and the blues. It also...
The History of Jazz, by Darcy James ArgueDevin Leonard in the NY Observer:Mr. Argue, born with an Irish name that was probably destined to appear on a marquee, has a different philosophy. He is unafraid to engage in a bit of shtick to advance his dark blend of post-rock, classical ...
This Week In Jazz History – Week 7th 2020 YouTube Video by Jazzespresso 爵士杂志 – Chick Webb, Josh White, Mel Powell, Stan Getz, Charlie Byrd, Pharoah Sanders, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith FacebookSina WeiboTwitterWhatsAppMessengerPinterest分享 ...
The best books on the history of science—from the ancient world to the space race, recommended byMatthew Cobb, Professor of Zoology at the University of Manchester and author of a number of history and history of science books. His book on neuroscience,The Idea of the Brain,was shortlisted...
In the episode above, he names guitar players from 1929–1969 that “every serious guitarist should know.” Below, he does the same for the decade of the seventies. These guitarists exemplify Classical, Blues, Jazz, Country and Rock & ...