History of the King James BibleGregory Elder
Story of James II, Glorious Revolution, high seas 1688 Cromwell Richard Harris, Alec Guinness The events up to the Glorious Revolution in England 1700 Gulliver's Travels Ted Danson (Sam Malone) Famous fantasy telling us about ourselves 1701 Peter the Great Maximilian Schell / Vanessa...
Holy Bible King James + Audio v10.1.635(Old Version) ► Updated: September 7, 2024 ► What's New in Version 10.1.635: - bug fix for tapping reference links in notes Holy Bible King James + Audio v10.1.596(Old Version) ► Updated: August 12, 2024 ► What's New in Version ...
Bible History is about exploring the eyewitness accounts recorded in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and comparing them with the history of ancient people and civilizations revealed by the spade of the archaeologist. Are you curious about the past, it's people, customs and culture? Then...
One of the oldest books in the world is the Bible. The Bible has been revised numerous times over the span of 2500 years. The Bible has survived wars, schisms, and the rise and fall of several empires.
By the time James took the throne, many people in England at the time were hearing one version of the Bible when they went to church, but were reading from another when they were at home. While one version of Christianity’s holy texts—the so-called Bishops’ Bible—was read in churche...
Today is the 451st birthday of King James I! James’ long rule was marked by many noteworthy historical events and literary developments, but perhaps the most important was the Bible translation that he sponsored: the Bible we know today as the King James Version (also known as the King Jam...
🏆 Winner of the 2023 British Academy Book Prize for Global Cultural Understanding Read expert recommendations “In 1615, Thomas Roe arrived as an ambassador to the Mughal Emperor from the court of King James I of England and VI of Scotland, hung around for three years, and really didn’t...
This New York City Park Was Built on Top of a Cemetery In the late 19th century, city officials turned the final resting place for 10,000 souls into what's now Greenwich Village’s James J. Walker Park October 28, 2024 The Enterprising Woman Who Built—and Lost, and Rebuilt—a Booming...
James L. Whitney, Melvil Dewey (then spelled as Melvil Dui), Fred B. Perkins, and Thomas W. Bicknell established the American Library Association, which eventually became the oldest and largest library association in the world. That same year, Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal Classification...