Historically, Jamaican emigration has been heavy. Sugar made Jamaica one of the most valuable possessions in the world for more than 150 years. Jamaica gained independence in 1962. Since Great Britain restricted emigration in 1967, the major flow has been to the United States and Canada....
(2006) Jamaica Documentary covering the phenomenon of middle-aged women traveling to Jamaica for sex each year as well as culture context in the Atlantic Slave Trade and history of the Jamaican Rastafari movement. 出租拉斯塔(英语:Rent-a-Rasta,2006) 牙买加纪录片,讲述了中年女性前往牙买加的寻求性...
At present, Jamaicans are the largest group of American immigrants from the English-speaking Caribbean. However, it is difficult to verify the exact number of Jamaican Americans in this country. The 1990 census placed the total number of documented Jamaican Americans at 435,025, but the high Ja...
(sorry not Jamaica, New York). Maps, sources of genealogy, emblems, my tiny tafel and some fun places to visit are included. I hope this page will be of interest to those who are just getting started on their Jamaican ancestry, as well as those who have pursued this pastime for a ...
Edward Long's three-volume work marks a major turning point in the historiography of Jamaica, as the first attempt at a comprehensive description of the colony, its history, government, people, economy and geography. The son of a prominent Jamaican plantation owner, Long (1734-1813) spent twel...
牙买加历史40jamaican-history41 系统标签: jamaican牙买加jamaicahistoryuprisingarawak JamaicanhistoryBy:wanghaiboOrigin•Inthe5thcenturyBC,theislandofJamaicahasbecomepartoftheArawakIndiansfamilyresidence.Jamaica,thenameisderivedfromtheArawakwordXaymaca,meaning"landofwaterandtrees."Demiseofnative•Columbuscameherein...
牙买加历史(Jamaican history)Jamaicanhistory By:wanghaibo Origin •Inthe5thcenturyBC,theislandofJamaicahasbecomepartoftheArawakIndiansfamilyresidence.Jamaica,thenameisderivedfromtheArawakwordXaymaca,meaning"landofwaterandtrees."Demiseofnative •Columbuscameherein1494.In1509,Spaindeclared:Jamaicabecameitscolonies...
Written by professors at theWest Indies University The Story Of The Jamaican Peopleis really an interesting book where the central theme is the long struggle of theAfrican-Jamaicanagainst injustice, economic deprivation and the fight for full freedom. ...
Jamaica has 4 major tourist hubs, Montego Bay is one of these hubs, and the others are Kingston, Ocho Rios and Negril. But What is special about Montego Bay? Read More Jamaican Seasoned Rice Recipe | A Simple, Flavorful One-Pot Meal ...
Few people ... Jamaicans or visitors ... know anything about this interesting and mountainous terrain. View Larger Map Jamaican History For centuries Jamaica's riches and resources have been, and still are being, plundered and squandered by many ... for greed and personal gain. ...