For over 170 years, Guyanese Indians have worked to maintain their Indian identity. Appearing in Guyana under the British colonial indenture system, laborers both retained and reformulated elements of "Indianness" within a pan-Indian collective. This thesis will investigate the history of Indo-Gu...
From the time ofColumbusand the late 15th century forward, the Spaniards and Portuguese called the peoples of the Americas “Indians”—that is, inhabitants of India. Not only is the termerroneousby origin, but it did not correspond to anything in the minds of the indigenous people. They had...
,Ecuador,French Guiana(adépartémentofFrance),Guyana,Paraguay,Peru,Suriname,Uruguay, andVenezuela; and, for the Caribbean,seeCuba, theDominican Republic, andHaiti.See alsothe articles on the dependencies andconstituententitiesGuadeloupe,Martinique, andPuerto Rico. The physical and human geography of ...
The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh, when in search of the mythical city of riches, El Dorado, explored the heavily forested country of Guyana in 1595. In the middle 1600s a large number of Dutch settlers moved into the country and began cultivating sugar to export. ...
An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”...
They are very numerous between the latitudes 66 and 73 north, which is as far as any tribes of Indians go. They live in herds of twenty or thirty. Mr. Hearn [in 1770–1772] has seen in the high latitudes several herds in one day's walk. They delight most in the rocky and barren...
Jamaica's ethnic distinctions are not as large as those of Trinidad, Guyana, or the United States, but Jamaicans are rich in cultural traditions and ethnic diversity. Although the population is predominantly black, small enclaves of East Indians, Chinese, Lebanese, Europeans, Jews, and other eth...
From the very beginning of the Spanish colonization, in the 1500s, the Spanish Crown prohibited the production and consumption of the fermented alcoholic beverages used by American Indians, with a few exceptions, like Pulque in New Spain (roughly present-day Mexico). The official reason for the...
Venezuela is situated on the northern coast of South America. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea to the north, Brazil to the south, Colombia to the west and southwest, and Guyana to the east. The capital of Venezuela is Caracas, and other major cities include Valencia,...
Uttermost Part of the Earth: Indians of Tierra Del Fuego Lucas Bridges 4.5 out of 5 stars 17 Paperback 9 offers from$31.95 #48 Shadow Wars In South America: How the CIA Orchestrated Coups, Dictatorships, and Destabilization Nathan Carrasco ...