HistoryofIndiaandIndian NationalMovement [Acompletebookforcompetitors] Preparedby–http://.developindiagroup.co.in/ By–D.S.Rajput {Thisbookisveryusefullforthosecompetitorswhoappearingin theCivilServices,StatePSCs,BankPO,SSCExams,NDA,CDS, Railway,andothersonedayexams.} ...
History of IndiaThe history of India dates back to more than 5000 years. From Harrapan Civilization to present times, India has covered a long journey. The reminders of this long journey are distributed all over India. Indian has witnessed a series of invasions. From Alexander to Turks, ...
THE NEW CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF INDIA Indian society and the making of the British EmpireOnline, Cambridge Histories
India is a land of ancient civilizations. India's social, economic, and cultural configurations are the products of a long process of regional expansion. Indian history begins with the birth of the Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the Aryans. These two phases are usually...
Indian history that is often propped up as a counter-balance to the AIT-version of Indian history is that India is millions of years old with each yuga (eon, age) representing hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore events described in Indian literature were composed so long ago that they...
“भारत” (Bharat) has one of the oldest civilizations in the world with vast history, food culture, bio-resources, ethnicity, and customs. Ethnic food has a cultural connotation in India and is linked to diverse ethnicity which...
Observed by more than a billion people across faiths, this five-day festival of lights brings prayer, feasts, fireworks and, for some, a new year.
The most fascinating stories and films on India’s history, arts and living culture. Discover over 5000 ‘Stories That Make India’
Indian Dynasty had a great rulers like Chandra Gupta I, Samudra Gupta, etc.., History of India and its dynasties dates back to at least 6500 BC which perhaps makes the oldest surviving in the world.
Indian Ocean, body of salt water covering about one-fifth of the world ocean area. It is the smallest, youngest, and physically most complex of the world’s three major oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian). It stretches for more than 6,200 miles (10,00