Our laws have come a long way and gone through many anti- and pro-immigration cycles since then. This chapter explores the development of immigration law in the United States to provide psychologists with an understanding of the current psycholegal environment....
Modern immigration is a highly regulated procedure governing the mobility of peoples between sovereign jurisdictions. This procedure has been progressively refined since the late eighteenth century through mechanisms of government that have frequently de
This essay works to connect the history of local enforcement of immigration law and policy against Mexican migrants and Mexican American citizens and its relationship to the creation and perpetuation of what Michelle Alexander has described as a redesigned caste system in the United States. As state...
and allow these close kin to co-own property without joint ownership contracts. In addition, such societies often allow close kin a variety of automatic privileges such as sponsoring immigration visas or making medical decisions for one another; for those with whom one shares no close kin relation...
Immigration and Child Labor National Child Labor Committee Depression‑Era Child Labor Automatization and Education Does Child Labor Exist Today? Sources Child labor, or the use of children as workers, servants and apprentices, has been practiced throughout most of human history, but reached its ze...
1849:America’s first anti-immigrant political party, theKnow-Nothing Partyforms, as a backlash to the increasing number of German and Irish immigrants settling in the United States. 1875:Following the Civil War, some states passed their own immigration laws. In 1875 theSupreme Courtdeclares that...
Mistakes on a green card application can lead to significant delays. By filing everything right from the start, you won’t add any unnecessary time to the processing of your green card application. At ImmigrationDirect, we provide you with the tools you need to fill out your application forms...
immigration laws and Cold War policies and to the arrival of diverse Chinese immigrants from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asian countries throughout the Cold War. The division has had serious political and social consequences as Chinese Americans from opposing camps seek political ...
the citizenship of American-born Mary Keatinge Das, wife of the Pakistani American activist Taraknath Das, and Emily Chinn, mother of four and wife of a Chinese American immigrant. Traces of anti-Asian immigration law remained until the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965...
Immigration to Australia starting with the Aboriginals followed by the First Fleet, Convicts, Free Settlers, Diggers, Squatters, Refugees and Immigrants of today.