The existence of past ice ages was discovered by several 19th century geologists from scratch marks on rocks, erratic boulders, moraines, and other physical observations. As early as 1920, Chamberlain provided a map of the North American and Greenland ice sheets at the last glacial maximum that...
The geologic complexity of England is strikingly illustrated in the cliff structure of its shoreline. Along the southern coast from the ancient granite cliffs ofLand’s Endin the extreme southwest is a succession of sandstones of different colours and limestones of different ages, culminating in the...
There have been at least five significant ice ages in Earth’s history, with approximately a dozen epochs of glacial expansion occurring in the past 1 million years. Humans developed significantly during the most recent glaciation period, emerging as the dominant land animal afterward as megafauna ...
End of Ice Age Britain 23 February 2025 As Ice Age Britain thawed, temperatures surged, sea levels rose, and humans and animals faced a fight for survival. But this shift was anything... Listen Now 51:47 Inside Europe's Biggest Red Light District ...
22 St. Francis of Assisi died in 1226 at the age of 44, probably of tuberculosis.27 A fascinating aspect of tuberculosis during the middle ages is that of scrofula, which European monarchs beginning with Clovis in 496 treated with the “royal touch.” Hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of ...
Cura§ao has reef terraces with the potential to provide sea-level histories of interglacial periods. Ages of the Hato (upper) unit of the Lower Terrace indicate that this reef dates to the last interglacial period, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.5. On Cura§ao, this high sea stand lasted ...
Ice Breakers of the Niagara River Power Companies have been generating hydro-electric power from water drawn from the upper Niagara River since the 1880’s. Since that time, ice floes in the Niagara River during the winter season have been reeked havoc when ice floes often became ice jams blo...
Repeated cycles of retreat and recolonization during the Quaternary ice ages are thought to have greatly influenced current species distributions and their genetic diversity. It remains unclear how this climatic oscillation has affected the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of wind-pollina...
(such as mixing old wine with new, spoiled with sound, or stating false origins). "The men of the Middle Ages drank what they could get. Good wine was welcome; inferior wine was tolerated; and almost any wine was preferable to none at all," he wrote. Flavoring, in addition to tree ...
A Modern Analog Technique (MAT5201/31) has been applied to fossil diatom assemblages to provide down-core estimates of February sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and of sea ice duration over the past 220 000 years at 56°40′S, 160°14′E. At the core location, sea ice progression lagged...