3) In her time, she would have had considerable influence on others simply because of her royal status. Anyone in Byzantine society of high status had power over those considered lower than themselves. Then there was her role in politics when she and her mother tried to ensure that her fath...
During the Han Dynasty, the popularity of Cuju gradually spread from the army to the royal courts and upper classes. Football matches were often held inside the Imperial Palace. A type of court called “ju cheng” was built especially for Cuju matches. 3. . The sport was improved during ...
When the term arose in India,Sanskritwas not thought of as a specific language set apart from other languages (the people of the time regarded languages more as dialects), but rather as a particularly refined or perfected manner of speaking. Knowledge of Sanskrit was a marker of social class...
Metcalfe’s arrival in Delhi brought to a close a period which had seen a great deal of social, cultural and sexual interaction between the Company and the Mughal court: one of Metcalfe’s predecessors, for example, was Sir David Ochterlony who every evening used to escort all 13 of...
datingtothereinofthePersiansKingDarius.Thereisalsoreferenceto trade,commerceandculturalexchangesbetweenPersiaandIndia.During thereinofChandraguptaMaurya,Persiancustomshavebeenpracticedin thecourts.Hieun-tsang,adevoutChineseBuddhistjourneyed to India in 633 AD, his journey to India was hard and perilous. His ...
Dazzled by the prospect of Asian riches, he hatched a scheme to reach the Indies (India, China, the East Indies, or Japan) by sailing west. After the courts of Portugal, England, and France showed little interest in his plan, Columbus turned to Spain for backing. He won the support of...
travel in the thirteenth century was long and difficult with numerous dangers and hardships; many of the fleet’s crew perish along the way. The Polos end up needing to stop on the island of Sumatra for a while and then land in India, where they continue the rest of their journey on ...
of 1905 in Russia had a major effect on northern Iran and, in 1906, Iranian liberals and revolutionaries, joined by many Armenians, demanded a constitution in Iran. Although the shah signed the document, his successor dissolved the majlis or parliament and it was only in 1909 that the ...
Wood focuses not so much on the story of China as a nation but as a civilisation. Thus you will often find yourself not in the courts of emperors but in Han peasant farms, Qin magistrate courts and Tang watchtowers. Indeed only once we reach the age of the Great Qing, (and dare we...
China had to open five ports to foreign trade and grant British citizens in China extraterritoriality, the right to live under their own jaws and be tried in their own courts. They treaty was the first of series of "unequal treaties" that forced China to make concessions to Western powers....