1506—Naples, Italy: Royal chronicler Andrés Bernáles records the following about a procession of Ferdinand and his retinue into the city of Naples: “And they passed beneath a very richly decorated arch; and on this and all the others, as well as on the bridge, just as his Highness came...
Upgraded to JDK 1.5 (generics support added by Christian Hammer with help from Hartmut Benz and John Sichi). Added (Directed)NeighborIndex and MatrixExporter, contributed by Charles Fry. Added BellmanFord, contributed by Guillaume Boulmier of France Telecom. Removed never-used LabeledElement. Rename...
“Sinatra vented his spleen by destroying the concrete landing pad with a sledgehammer. He applied a different kind of sledgehammer to his friendship with Peter and Pat [Lawford], banning them from his company….Jack ended up staying at the home of Bing Crosby. Marilyn Monroe flew down to...
There, according to legend (and Encyclopedia Brittanica), a hero named Cú Chulainn won a contest of throwing a chariot wheel by its axel. Whether or not this can be linked to the modern version of the sport, the hammer throw is a famous part of the Highland Games, feats of athletics ...
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Thousands of people attend the Cowal Gathering every year and a good time is had by all!In 1889 the founder of the International Olympic Committee saw some Highland Games events in Paris, and this inspired him to add the Hammer Throw, Shot Put and Tug-O-War to the Olympic Games! Tug-O...
Hercules is highly expert in traditional means of hand-to-hand combat, especially in wrestling. He is talented in ancient Greek athletic feats such as the discus and hammer throws. His romantic skills and penchant for alcohol are somewhat legendary. Hercules’ most oft-used weapon is his Golden...
He asks his assistant to throw another ball on the table and report whether it is to the left or the right of the first ball. If the new ball landed to the left of the first ball, then the first ball is more likely to be on the right side of the table than the left side. He...
Humans started carving symbols and signs onto the walls of caves during the Stone Age using hammerstones and stone chisels. These early murals, called petroglyphs, depict scenes of animals. Some may have been used as early maps, showing trails, rivers, landmarks, astronomical markers and symbols...
“war-is-hell” philosophy. But the vast majority of editorial commentary was critical, blaming the army and raising new questions about the nature of the war in Vietnam. Coming after the coverage of the Tet Offensive the previous year, the My Lai story was another hammer blow against ...