Gold was among the first metals to be mined because it commonly occurs in its native form, that is, not combined with other elements, because it is beautiful and imperishable, and because exquisite objects can be made from it. Artisans of ancient civilizations used gold lavishly in decorating...
07/28/2019[-]Illegal gold mining at epidemic proportions... 07/26/2019[-]Gold miner fined over third worker's death across six-year span 07/24/2019[-]The wildcat goldminers doomed by their toxic trade 07/01/2019[-]Super Pit gold mine ...
This higher price, combined with the technology for bulk mining and processing of low grade ores, provided incentive for new exploration and exploitation. Consequently, gold production soared above 10 million ounces per year in the early 1990's with 65% coming from Nevada. There has been a ...
hunDrEDs oF mining CAmps sprAng to liFE As nEw DEposits wErE DisCovErED、As A rEsult, thE proDuCtion oF golD inCrEAsED rApiDly. During worlD wAr i AnD For somE yEArs thErEAFtEr, AnnuAl proDuCtion DEClinED to ABout two million ounCEs. whEn thE priCE oF golD wAs rAisED in 1934 to $35 An ...
Featured Mining Town: Harrison Gulch, California Harrison Gulch was settled at the Midas mine - one of the top gold producers in California's Klamath Mountains region. This was the location of what became known as the "Harrison Gulch townsite war" that pitted the citizens of the town against...
A skilled negotiator, Spotted Tail visited Black Hills mining camps after the discovery of gold to learn the value of the mineral, which resulted in the Indian demand of $60 million for the sale of the hills. During the Sioux War of 1876-1877, Spotted Tail and his people remained on th...
Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, claims that his decision to leak classified NSA documents about mining emails and telephone call logs, has resulted in several significant threats to his life...
About the Gold Rush in North America, Georgia, Nevada, California, Klondike River, Yukon, British Columbia, What Is Placer Gold, maps
Coyotes has some of the best Division 1 facilities in the region. The South Dakota State University Jackrabbits also participate in 19 sports at the D1 level. The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology is specialized for students who wish to study mining, engineering, and applied sciences...
Old West History Store. Specializing in Early Western Mining Stock Certificates for the Collector and Old West History Buff. Experienced Scripophily Dealer Buying and Selling pre-1920 Stock Certificates and Other Historical Documents.