All Templar outposts, homes, wineries, mills, and castles were to be taken in the name of the King of France and Pope Clement V. These actions all took place on Friday the 13th, 1307. King Phillip attempted to further bury the Templars in a public manner: a large event in front of...
Grand Master of theKnights Templarand 60 of his senior knights, on Friday, October 13, 1307, by King Philip IV of France. That day thousands of Templars were arrested and subsequently tortured. They then 'confessed' and were executed. From that day on, Friday the 13th was considered...
Imprisoned on charges of various illegal behaviors (but really because the king wanted access to their financial resources), many Templars were later executed. Some cite the link with the Templars as the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition, but like many legends involving the Templars and...
The Knights Templars at Work Expanded Duties of the Knights The Fall of the Knights Templar Arrests and Executions The Knights Templar Today Sources The Knights Templar was a large organization of devout Christians during the medieval era who carried out an important mission: to protect European tra...
The Templars or the Knights of the Temple of Solomon were dedicated to a life of poverty protecting the holy places and the pilgrims. Poverty did not last long as they soon acquired rich and powerful benefactors including Bernard of Clairvaux who helped found the Cistercians as well as finding...
The Templars or the Knights of the Temple of Solomon were dedicated to a life of poverty protecting the holy places and the pilgrims. Poverty did not last long as they soon acquired rich and powerful benefactors including Bernard of Clairvaux who helped found the Cistercians as well as finding...