Japan's impact on the modern world has been enormous. It occupies just one 300th of the planet's land area, yet came to wield one sixth of the world's economic power. Just 150 years ago it was an obscure land of paddy fields and feudal despots. Within 50 years it became a major ...
The ninja of movies and comic books—a stealthy assassin in black robes with magical abilities in the arts of concealment and murder—is very compelling, to be sure. But the historical reality of the ninja is somewhat different. In feudal Japan, ninjas were a lower class of warriors often r...
Japan Zone»Japan Omnibus» Edo/Meiji Periods During theEdo Period(1600-1868), the most famous Shogun of them all,Tokugawa Ieyasugot rid of the decentralized feudal system and installed thebakufu(military government) in the city ofEdo, better known to us all as Tokyo (even today, people ...
A History of Japan: 1334-1615 describes the growth of a new feudal hierarchy, the ebb and flow of civil war, the rise and fall of great families, and the development amidst extreme political disorder of remarkable new features in institutional and economic life. This is the period of expandi...
Japanis an island nation located in East Asia, and its islands can be found in several large bodies of water: the Sea of Okhotsk, the Pacific Ocean, the East China Sea, and the Sea of Japan. The main islands of Japan are called Shikoku, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Honshu; however, there ...
Japanese law, the law as it has developed in Japan as a consequence of a meld of two cultural and legal traditions, one indigenous Japanese, the other Western. Before Japan’s isolation from the West was ended in the mid-19th century, Japanese law develo
According to Sherman Lai (2008) the Communist resistance eventually proved more successful not by implementing the principles of communism — redistribution and collectivism — but by reviving the feudal system of landlords and tenants that had operated in China for thousands of years prior to moderniz...
History of Japan---Group2 HistoryofJapan JomonEra14000BC~400BCThelateJapaneseNeolithicage,aboutfirstCenturyBCperiodtoabouttenthousandyearsago.JapanbyPaleolithictoNeolithicage.Archaeologicalexcavationsshowthat,duringthisperiodoftimeremainsmuchmorespecial,culturalsitesalloverthecountry.Yayoi400BC~200 Yayoicirca300-BC...
After the Tokugawa family had reconstituted Japan’s central government in 1603, the head of the Mōri family became the daimyo, or feudal lord, of Chōshū, thehan(fief) that encompassed most of the western Honshu region. Although the Tokugawa tolerated the existence of the Mōri in Chōshū,...
Trade was controlled through feudal guilds, and detailed sumptuary regulations governed the lives of all social classes. These social policies reflected the ideology of neo-Confucianism, which valued social stability and the social morality of ascribed status. Tokugawa social structure was organized ...