The mid-1960s positively abounded with Fender acoustic guitar models. The budget-priced Malibu and Newporter models were introduced in April 1965, followed that July by two 12-string models, the Shenandoah and the smaller, less expensive Villager, both of which featured Fender’s new “hockey s...
To establish its own foothold in this guitar sound, Fender hired Seth Lover in 1967. Lover had invented the humbucking pickup while working for Gibson in the mid-1950s, and he now set about designing a new humbucking pickup for Fender, noting that, as quoted inSix Decades of the Fender ...
Coast jazz guy. Back then, if you’re using a Fender guitar, you’re probably a little more of a liberal-minded, forward-thinking kind of person because you’re willing to try something different. And if you bought a [custom color] Jazzmaster, you were really cut from a different cloth...
Modern guitar history from the first electric guitar to the legendary models like the Fender Stratocaster, Gibson Les Paul, Gretsch White Falcon, or Ibanez
Lesser-known models such as the Coronado and Bronco™ The Jazz Bass® and Precision Bass® Fender’s acoustic guitars and workhorse amplifiers like the Bassman®, Twin Reverb®, and Princeton® Along the way, you’ll get in-depth scoops on the relationships dozens of players have enj...
The guitar also incorporated a brand-new pickup and Fender’s first humbucker, the Seth Lover-designed ‘Wide Range’ pickup. The Wide Range humbucker would also feature in three new Telecaster models: the Telecaster Custom, Telecaster Deluxe and Telecaster Thinline.Image: Rory Doyle Even with ...
Another custom maker who used aluminium in an individual way was Tony Zemaitis, a British builder based in Kent. He began making metal-front instruments whenEric Claptonsuggested that Tony should make a silver guitar. He developed models with an aluminium plate covering the whole front of the bo...
Oliver was contemplating his next move when another twist of fate changed the course of Traveler Guitar history: executives from Fender approached Corey and offered to move Traveler Guitar’s manufacturing to Fender’s prestigious Corona facility—a first for the iconic American guitar company. Oliver...
Fender and its new Telecaster guitar were ideally placed to take advantage of all of this, because Fender didn’t belong to the stodgy old world of high-end guitar craft. Fender was brash, young, innovative and West Coast; not old, staid and East Coast. Fender instruments and amps were ...
Fender put its new Stratocaster into the hands of the western swing and pop guitarists Leo intended it for—players such as Buddy Merrill (of Lawrence Welk’s band), Alvino Rey, Eddie Cletro, Charlie Aldrich, Al Myers, “Stash” Clements, Kenneth “Thumbs” Carllile, Charley Raye, and ...