A government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to approve funding for federal agencies. Before 1980, agencieslargely continued operatingduring a lapse in funding with the assumption that Congress would act quickly. But in 1980 and 1981, then-Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti authored a series of...
Trump fired off a series of tweets pushing back against the notion that he doesn't have a strategy to end what became the longest government shutdown in U.S. history when it entered its 22nd day Saturday. "Elections have consequences!" he declared, meaning the 2016 election in which "I ...
Pressure to compromise was growing as the prospects of a federal government shutdown increase, and as members of Congress worry more about the July 4 recess which is scheduled to start this weekend. —Evening Star(Washington, DC), 29 Jun. 1973 Gov. Milton J. Shapp today convened his cabine...
The U.S. government shutdown, is now on track to become the longest in history. Friday marked Day 21. It’s also the first week that hundreds of thousands of government workers were not paid. The impasse is over President Trump’s demand for a border wall. But Trump now says he may ...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- The partial shutdown of the U.S. federal government stretched into the 21st day on Friday, tying the record for the longest in the country's history. U.S. President Donald Trump has locked himself in a stalemate with congressional Democrats in the dispute...
Since the closing of a quarter of the federal government on Dec. 22, the White House and the Democratic congressional leaders have held several rounds of negotiations over border security and wall funding, the sticking point in the shutdown, but appeared to get no closer to solving the budget...
The article argues that an October 2013 government shutdown in the U.S. will shape the career of some U.S. politicians including the U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner.VideoTIMETime.com
and Truman’snarrow electionoverNew YorkGov.Thomas E. Deweyin 1948 kept the Republicans out of theWhite Housefor two decades. Although most Republicans in the 1930s vehemently opposed Roosevelt’sNew Dealsocial programs, by the 1950s the party had largely accepted the federal government’s expand...
The 1932 March of the Veterans Bonus Army The Colorful History of the St. Patrick's Day Parade Biography of Charles Darwin, Originator of the Theory of Evolution The Civil Rights Act of 1866: History and Impact Causes and Effects of Government Shutdowns Thomas Jefferson and the Louisia...
The 1932 March of the Veterans Bonus Army The Colorful History of the St. Patrick's Day Parade Biography of Charles Darwin, Originator of the Theory of Evolution The Civil Rights Act of 1866: History and Impact Causes and Effects of Government Shutdowns Thomas Jefferson and the Louisia...