and we have few existing examples of what larger women wore. That’s why I revel in the gorgeous photos of vintagefat babesfrom@historicalfatpeopleon IG. I recommend scrolling through when you need a reminder that size diversity is not a new trend. ...
Define history. history synonyms, history pronunciation, history translation, English dictionary definition of history. n. pl. his·to·ries 1. a. A chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or institution, often including
History quiz: how much do you know about the Black Death?.This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users. View more quizzes Popular historic periods Tudor Medieval Victorian 20th Century Explore more historic periods Popular people from history ...
As a case in point, the Finnish people were in danger to turn into a fat nation already in the early 1950s or that was the claim of the anti-fat activists organized as the Association to Combat Obesity [ACO] ( Liikalihavuuden vastustamisyhdistys ). Founded in 1950, the ACOs aim was...
“I explained to them that I had been in the army and been discharged, and I was still only 16. Several people had collected around the girls and there was giggling, and I felt most uncomfortable and … very humiliated.” He walked straight into the nearest recruiting office and rejoined...
The Origins of the Fat Acceptance Movement Like any good countercultural movement from the 1960s, it all started with a sit-in. Or, rather, a “fat-in.” In 1967, 500 people came together in Central Park in New York City to protest bias against fat people. Together, this group ate,...
Emily Brewster: Let us know what you think about Word Matters. Review us wherever you get your podcasts, or email us at You can also visit us at And for the word of the day, and all your general dictionary needs, visit Our theme...
(especially of the bowel, skin, breast, or lung) became targets of new forms of surveillance, screening, and prevention. In societies where the quality of water, employment, and housing were excellent, people were found to be overeating, overworking, and exposing themselves to high-risk ...
a dozen firemen and an improvised stretcher were required to move him from his home to a ferry boat. When he arrived at University Hospital, saturated with fluid and suffering from heart and respiratory failure, Jon was put in two beds lashed together. It took 13 ...
The article discusses the history of freak shows in the U.S. and England. The author reflects on the public exhibition of people with severe physical deformities and abnormalities such as conjoined twins. Emphasis is given to the popularity of sideshows produced by entertainment business manager P...