Early Hindi literature, in dialects like Avadhi and Brai, began around religious and philosophical poetry in medieval period. Sant Kabir and Tulsidas were the greatest exponents of the Hindi literature during this period. With the passage of time, the Khadi boli (dialect) became more prominent an...
5、y. of the twenty languages with the largest numbers of native speakers according to sil ethnologue, twelve are indo-european: spanish, english, hindi, portuguese, bengali, russian, german, marathi, french, italian, punjabi, and urdu, accounting for over 1.7 billion native speakers.3 several...
A large portion of the base vocabulary of English came from this source. But just as importantly, it is the parent language of not only English, but also Latin, Greek, the Celtic languages, and all of the Germanic languages including the Scandinavian languages. In other words, all of the ...
the term Bund is German in origin, but it is widely accepted by historians to have come from the Hindi word for embankment. This is consistent with the spread of British colonialism eastward into Asia in the 1800s and the use of Anglo-Indian English at many Asian trading ports in that ...
The History of Hindu India, Part One, With English Subtitles The History of Hindu India, Part One, with Spanish Subtitles The History of Hindu India, Part One, with French Subtitles The History of Hindu India, Part One, with Hindi Subtitles ...
The terms agarwood, aloes, and aloeswood are used to refer to the resin-infused wood of species from the four genera:Aquilaria,Gyrinops,Aetoxylon, andGonystylis. Agarwood, described as aloës in classical literature, has several other names (Table2) that are derivations of ancient languages ...
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English Electronic Music: Delve into the Digital Archives from University of Huddersfield History of Slavery in the British Caribbean from University of Glasgow Chosen Issues in Holocaust History from Yad Vashem – The World Holocaust Remembrance Center Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories fro...
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