It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” ~ Edgar Cayce Clearly this prophetic utterance by Edgar Cayce was both prescient and perceptive. For not only have the steppes of Central Asia forged the hearts and minds of the Russian ...
Hidden Human Historyedgar caycefeaturedgizahidden history
--Deep-Sea Explorer: The Story of Robert Ballard Discoverer of the Titanic. --Desperate Hours: The Epic Story of the Rescue of the Andrea Doria. --Disasters in America - Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes. --Discovery of the Titanic: Exploring the Greatest of All Lost Ships. ...
An example of a person who many claims to be satisfied reading the Akashic Records is the American mystic, Edgar Cayce. Cayce was reading in a state of sleep or trance. Cayce’s method was described by Dr Wesley H. Ketchum, who for a few years used Cayce as a deputy of his medical ...