Drunk driving has been a problem throughout the world ever since the creation of the automobile.While driving under the influence has always been dangerous,the laws and views of drunk driving have changed dramatically over the past century. ...
Wisconsin leads the nation in a bevy of alcohol consumption statistics—from binge drinking to admitted drunk drivers to liquor licenses—and has among the most lenient alcohol laws in the nation as well. It is the only state that does not criminalize the first offense of drunk driving, one ...
The Use of Breathalyzers The Breathalyzer device has come a long way from its inception in the early 1950s. Accepted as a standard basis for most DUI convictions, it has led to changing laws concerning drunk driving restrictions throughout the U.S. In connection with DUI convictions, it has...
and his driving licence was revoked. In 2015 he requested a local administrative officer to print the information on him held in the database. The printout stated that he was convicted of a misdemeanour, and included the date of the violation, the number...
(riding a bicycle while drunk, changing lanes without observing the road conditions, making a sudden turn) and aggressive violations (making rude gestures if angry with the behavior of other road users). The second subscale is “Ordinary violations”: and includes 6 questions that are common ...
Since 1885, it has been administered through the Scottish Office, led by the secretary of state for Scotland, who is appointed by the UK Parliament. Beneath the Scottish Office are thirty-two local authorities that administer basic services, and a separate system of laws and courts. The ...
Walker considered himself above the laws of man, as Satan had considered himself above the laws of God. Illinois State Police detective Bob Swalwell, in his dogged pursuit of Walker, provides the consummate foil in this cat-and-mouse game, just as the fictional Inspector Claude Lebel of the ...
Their sacrifice is beyond imagining. Let’s be worthy of it. Let’s stand up for our nations’ freedoms, laws, values, and constitutions. It’s the very least we can do to properly thank those who served and died on the battlefield to make and keep the U.S. and other nations democr...
honoring the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision and multiculturalism. Loving v. Virginia declared anti-miscegenation laws to be illegal across the United States, but perhaps, even more importantly, it’s the legacy of an ever-lasting love—a love that triumphed even in the face of persis...
… We do not know what is in [Mel Gibson’s] heart. We only know what he has put on the movie screen.” Two years later, the world learned exactly how Gibson felt about Jews when he was arrested for drunk driving. “Fucking Jews,” he said to the arresting officer. “The Jews ...