drinking,喝,drink的动名词。问题句意为“中国人有悠久的喝___的历史。”A.water,水。B.juice,果汁。C.coffee,咖啡。D.tea,茶。由a long history(历史悠久)可知,中国人饮用某物的时间相当长。water是全世界所有人都饮用的,不具备中国特色,故排除A。在中国古代没有juice,也就不会历史悠久,故排除B。coffe...
Introduction water disinfection Necessity water treatment History of drinking water treatment What is water disinfection? Necessity of drinking water disinfection History of water disinfection Waterborne diseases Factors that influence disinfection Conditions of water disinfection Regulation drinking water disinfection...
A brief history of drinking water. HALL E L,DIETRICH A M. Opflow . 2000Hall E L,Dietrieh A M.A Brief History of Drinking Water.Opflow. 2006HALL E L,DIETRICH A M.A brief history of drinking water.Opflow. 2000Hall, E.L. and Dietrich, A.M. (2000) A brief history of drink- ...
36、Water-Splashing Festival:Love and luck 02:43 37、Animals of the Chinese zodiac 02:42 38、Feng Shui:A_system of ancient Chinese knowledge 02:43 39、Chinese Lion Dance:An introduction 02:32 40、Door Gods:Menshen 02:49 41、Chinese wedding customs 02:43 42、Chinese Cupid:The Mat...
That’s where the engineering history of drinking water truly begins, and it starts in the Neolithic Age. Moving Rivers Early societies developed several methods to meet the challenges of importing water. Canals, wells, and cisterns were prevalent thousands of years ago across the ancient world....
Some people even die of drinking. Besides, many Chinese people drive after wine and then cause serious traffic accidents. So the “Water of History” has brought people lots of trouble. Everybody should drink properly or less.( ) 1. Wine is called the “Water of History” because . ...
Pontius, F. W., 2003. History of the safe drinking water act (sdwa). Drinking water regulation and health, 71-103.Pontius, FW. `History of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)' in Pontius, FW [Ed] (2003). Drinking Water Regulation and Health. New York: John Wiley & Sons....
The British have been drinking tea for over 350 years. But in fact, the history of tea goes much (1) (far) back. The story of tea begins in China. According to the legend, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung was sitting (2) a tree while his servant boiled drinking water, when some lea...
Puritans brought kegs of ale and beer with them on the Mayflower. They considered alcohol to be a natural and normal part of life, and therefore did not have a minimum legal drinking age. Alcohol was consumed for many religious purposes and was considered safer than some of their water ...
The story of tea began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. According to legend, Shen Nung, an early emperor was a skilled ruler, creative scientist and patron of the arts. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution....