1963Octoberl.NigeriabecomesaRepublic.Dr.NnamdiAzikiwebecomesthefirst President. 1966January14-15.Firstmilitarycoup.Balewaandotherprominentleadersare killed.Major-GeneralAguiyi-IronsibecomesHeadofStateonJanuary. 1966July29.Secondmilitarycoup.Ironsiiskilled.Lt.Col.YakubuGowonbecomes ...
1960 (October 1):Independence.Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwebecame Nigeria’s first indigenous Governor General. 1960-1966:First Republic of Nigeria under a British parliamentary system. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was elected Prime Minister. 1960:Nigeria's joined with Liberia and Togo in the "Monrovia Group", seek...
After World War II, nationalism rose in Nigeria. Under the leadership of Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, and Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Nigerians began to ask for self-determination and increased participation in the governmental process on a regional level. On October 1, 1960, Nigeria ...
Diverse constituencies of Igbos, Nigerians, and West African migrants participated in the ceremonies, including influen- tial political figures such as the chiefs of Onitsha, merchant queens, and elite African newspapermen such as Nnamdi Azikiwe. Market women, clerks, as- piring poets, school...
Nnamdi AzikiweNnamdi Azikiwe, 1953. After the 1930s political activities focused primarily on ways to end British rule. A national party, the Nigerian Youth Movement, emerged in 1934, and its members won elections to the Legislative Council. After 1940 political activities were broadened to include...
Macaulay was despised by the British, but he came to be regarded as the “father of modern Nigerian nationalism.” Nnamdi AzikiweNnamdi Azikiwe, 1953.(more) After the 1930s political activities focused primarily on ways to end British rule. A national party, the Nigerian Youth Movement, ...