The Internet, a notable product of digital technology, has transformed our world into a true "global village", facilitating real-time interactions, irrespective of one's location on the planet. This realization not only reflects the long-held aspirations of our human ancestors but also embodies ...
With Bitcoin, we have the first digital currency built purely on trust. Its core philosophy is that neither the state nor the banking system can truly guarantee the value of money, so something else is needed. The Bitcoin algorithm guarantees only one thing: the scarcity of coins, which makes...
Another field of application of digital technologies in the history of science and technology can be foresight research, recognized as an effective method for determining priorities in the field of economy, science, technology. These works are a priority for the Institute of the History of Science ...
(Economics) (functioning as singular) the study of economic history using statistics and computer analysis [C20: Clio + (econo)metrics] ˌclioˈmetric,ˌclioˈmetricaladj cliometriciann Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
Residual stress determination using blind-hole drilling and digital speckle pattern interferometry with automated data processing A combined system of blind-hole drilling and digital speckle pattern interferometry that performs automated data analysis is used to determine the magnitud... FV Díaz,GH Kaufman...
With only a tiny proportion of Andorra’s land cultivable, the traditional economy centred on the pasturing of sheep and the harvesting of modest quantities of tobacco, rye, wheat, olives, grapes, and potatoes. Industry was limited to processing these products and to handicrafts. Because of the...
Here's a quick rundown of the events that led to China's eventual lockdown on cryptocurrencies and the government's actions to keep up with the emerging global digital economy. Key Takeaways China was one of the first countries whose people quickly embraced cryptocurrency. ...
▲The Digital Library Cave project re-creates the 1,600-meter-long external cliff face of the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, Gansu province.[Photo provided to China Daily] For many who have had their curiosity piqued and want to know more about i...
The latest news from the fast-evolving world of theData Economy: For those familiar with Noam Chomsky, the pioneering linguist whose theory of recursion seeks to find the universal in all human languages, you probably also know that Chomsky often has not-so-nice things to say about the U.S...
Within SXSW Interactive’s march from obscurity to prominence is the story of digital culture itself. SXSW was a hive of activity for early web denizens and hackers around the turn of the century, and a birthing ground for the social media revolution that reshaped modern life in the second ...