Yoga’s history has many places of obscurity and uncertainty due to its oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings. The early writings on yoga were transcribed on fragile palm leaves that were easily damaged, destroyed or lost. The development of yoga can be tr...
The exact history of Yoga is unknown. The initial development of yoga can be traced to over 5,000 years ago, thanks to evidence of yoga poses found on stone drawings. Archaeological findings from the Indus Valley Civilization revealed a portrait of a Yogi meditating in what looks like an ...
In theYoga Sutras, Patanjali outlines the Eight Limbs of Yoga, or Ashtanga (“eight-limbed”) yoga. The eight limbs are inward restraints, outward actions, physical postures, breath control, withdrawal of the senses, concentration, meditation, and oneness with all. Similar to theUpanishads, Patan...
Yoga popularizes in the modern era as a form of exercise & meditation, but primarily yoga is a spiritual science. Set of physical, mental & ethical disciplines in yoga are practiced to focused on Self-realization. From the beginning itself, the practice of yoga has aimed to bring an individ...
We consider Brazilian Yoga to be a rich product of our socio-cultural context, being also a contribution to the story of an ancient Indian tradition that is still alive and which is continuously reinvented by many cultures around the globe. Throughout the text, we will approach some questions...
like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise say—hard to tread and difficult to cross. – Katha Upanishad The importance of the Upanishads These spiritual concepts have exerted a profound influence on the development of Yoga, Hindu, and Indian philosophy. While the yogic ...
Thai massage though has its origins in India and is derived from Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra.This suggests that Indian and Chinese ancient cultures were well connected, with a free flow of information between them. Thai massage is the first massage that can be considered a synergy of ancient ...
The original goals of yoga focused on spiritual development and self-realization. Many sources cite Moksha (liberation) as the ultimate goal. In this state, the practitioner would be free of suffering and fully aware of their higher consciousness. ...
Yoga is not only about asanas (body postures) that we see or perform mostly in the west today. It's more than that. Yoga is an experience of the ultimate
Historyofyoga:TheVedic(吠陀的)Samhitas(四个圣经之一)containreferencestoascetics(苦行者,禁欲 者;禁欲主义者),whileasceticpracticesarereferencedintheBrāhmaṇas(900to500BCE),earlycommentaries(评 论)ontheVedas吠陀经(印度最古的宗教文献和文学作品的总称),吠陀本集.Severalseals(图章)discoveredat ...