Brian Roper's book on the history of democracy from a Marxist perspective is an ambitious one. Roper starts with Athens and Rome and then, as capitalism rises, examines the revolutions in England, America and France and after that the 1848 revolutions across Europe. He then looks at the ...
The History of Democracy 作者: Brian S. Roper 出版社: Pluto Press副标题: A Marxist Interpretation出版年: 2012-11-7页数: 328定价: USD 110.00装帧: HardcoverISBN: 9780745331904豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 ...
History, Democracy, Values: New Lines of Reflectionby Adame Ba KonaréAt the 11th General Assembly of CODESRIA, which was held in Maputo in December 2005, Adame Ba Konaré presented the Leopold Sedar Senghor Lecture, casting her historian eye on democracy and its values. Konaré calls for ...
You’ve painfully reconstructed something which the victors imposed, but which is very different in its embrace of democracy and its obstinate wish to tell truth.” Read more... The Best History Books of 2024: The Wolfson History Prize Diarmaid MacCulloch, Theologians & Historians of Religion ...
Gilfoyle comments in his book “At Healy’s Restaurant, on Columbus Avenue at West 66th, half the women were prostitutes and half respectable.” In 1915, real estate developer Leon Sobel was accused of renting to “disorderly” tenants in buildings he owned on West 108th, West 109th ...
Democracy was best supported by a creative personality that could be detected in features such as a preference for asymmetrical figures and abstract art, and a tolerance of ambiguity, disorder, the irrational, and one’s inner femininity (the creative person was still stereotypically male). ...
这个社会/机制/体制的出现,即可被看做 "历史的终结"。在自然科学持续发展的大背景下,人类追求效率的社会生产必然会引导社会发展出资本主义,而人们(尤其是中产阶级)渴望发声、参与政策制定的愿望也只有民主能满足。由此可见,西方语境中的liberal democracy在可预见的未来将长期满足人们的大部分主要需求。第三...
The book traces the history of the party from its origins in the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson to the end of Reconstruction, revealing a record quite different from common belief. A concluding chapter extends the narrative to LBJ's Great Society in the 1960s, showing that the manifol...
From 1343, it was divided into two chambers: the upper house (the House of Lords), and the lower house (the House of Commons). The essential spirit was freedom and democracy.Henry Ⅱ's younger son John was succeeded to throne after his elder son, and at his time, the king's power ...
Keysarr, Alex.The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States. Basic Books, 2000. Rockman, Seth.Scraping By; Wage Labor, Slavery and Survival in Early Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2009. ...