Years of sustained funding, however, led to a set of events that broadly subsidized the invention and operation of the basic building blocks of the Internet, such as the experiments that led to the definition of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) stack and its practical...
Rosetta Tharpe:Rock & Roll Pioneer,was one of the earliest rock-and-roll musicians. Other pioneers including Little Richard, Johnny Cash, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis, all cite her music as influential to them and the foundation upon Rock & Roll was built on. ...
Summary This chapter reviews the history of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and its early applications in water resources engineering and science as well as in other ancillary fields such as natural resources management. The focus is to present a flavor of what early pioneers of GIS envisioned...
The future of GIS The enterprise technology that is modern GIS changes everything—the questions we can ask, the insights we can discover, even the creative solutions we can put into action. We can’t manage our world without it. GIS is already powerful, and emerging technologies such as AI...
The announcement of the artificial intelligence researchers John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton as this year's Nobel laureates in physics spurred celebration and consternation over the status of AI in science and society. In ...
William Henry Merrill, Jr. founds the Underwriters Electrical Bureau, later known as the Electrical Bureau of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Although the organization experiences several name changes throughout its history, its mission to promote safe living and working environments for people...
educational services and data markup platforms will continue to work in the Russian market, but their international parts will be allocated to independent companies under the management of Yandex N.V., which planned to withdraw from the shareholders of the group of companies and change its name. ...
Tuberculosis has claimed its victims throughout much of known human history. It reached epidemic proportions in Europe and North America during the 18th and 19th centuries, earning the sobriquet, “Captain Among these Men of Death.” Then it began to decline. Understanding of the pathogenesis of ...
most of the social sciences developed in the opposite direction: in the effort to understand and solve various social problems (education, crime, poverty, pestilence), the pioneers of the social sciences developed the theories, concepts, and methods that came eventually to comprise the basic discipl...
This review examines complexity science in the context of Heliophysics, describing it not as a discipline, but as a paradigm. In the context of Heliophysic