Gurzadyan-Xue Dark Energy was derived in 1986 (twenty years before the paper of Gurzadyan-Xue). The paper by the present author, titled The Planck Length as a Cosmological Constant, published in Astrophysics Space Science, Vol. 127, p.133-137, 1986 contains the formula claimed to have ...
A brief history of dark energyA brief history of dark energyASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE -DORDRECHT-SivaramC.∑ Sivaram, C., A Brief History of Dark Energy, Astrophy. Space Sci., 319, 3, 2009 Sivaram, C., 2009. A brief history of dark energy. Astrophys. Space Sci. 319, 3.Siva...
Indeed, the history of humanity can be seen through the improvement in energy sources. These improvements have increased the ease of living, longevity, population numbers, and the prosperity of humans [1]. In the past and currently, most of these energy sources have relied on chemical bonds ...
Most vendors now use the name Destover for a group of malware that was part of the Sony intrusion. Though many pieces of malware are somewhat different, we’ll use that name as well to avoid confusion. The US-CERT advisory also mentions the import hashes of a number of other malware. ...
processes can be broadly regarded as solar activity. the presence of magnetic activity, including stellar flares, is considered as a common typical feature of sun-like stars (maehara et al. 2012 ). although a direct projection of the energy and occurrence frequency of superflares on sun-like...
Third, overall mass, momentum, energy, and scalar balances are obtained. During the numerical procedure, the imbalances (errors) of the discretized equations are monitored, and these defects are commonly referred to as the residuals of the system of algebraic equations; i.e., they measure the ...
DarkHistory v1.1.2forDM21cm The version of DarkHistory used inDM21cm, a semi-numerical simulation of inhomogemeous dark matter energy injection based on DarkHistory and21cmFAST. DM21cm is described inarXiv:2312.11608. Branch:master. DarkHistory v2.0, with improved treatment of low energy electr...
Figure 8. The former site of the Institute of China Geological Survey, No. 9, Bingmashi hutong, Beijing 下载: 全尺寸图片 幻灯片 1923—1949年,地方一级地质机构先后成立了15个省级或跨省级地质调查所,主要承担各省(区)地质调查和矿产勘查工作。 专业性地质机构,主要是石油管理机构,个别有管理铜、汞等...
Also ranks #4 on 14 Surprisingly Fun Villains In Super-Dark Movies Dig Deeper 15 Characters Who Are The Perfect Example Of Chaotic Evil 29 Sister Mary Clarence Sister Act 304 votes Disguising herself as a nun in the 1992 comedy Sister Act, this brassy lounge singer brings life, joy,...
In our new history books section, we keep track of some of the books coming out by Five Books interviewees and frequently recommended authors. We're also scanning catalogues and highlighting interesting new history books being published that come to our attention. It's impossible to cover all ...