criminal record - a list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted; "he ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court"; "the prostitute had a record a mile long" record list, listing - a database containing an ordered array...
Iraq War(also known as: "Operation Iraqi Freedom," "Operation Telic", Gulf War II, The Third Persian Gulf War) (2003-2011) --"The Coalition of the Willing" (United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Poland, Thailand, Bulgaria) vs. Iraqi irregular forces/insurgents, Al-Qaida in Iraq...
in this notice, show what they are not, and endeavour to explain what they are, as it is yet far from generally accepted that they result from the action of light alone, and are not produced by some leger-de-main [slight of hand] of Art.” ...
Thanks to his comments section I was referred back to the Wikipedia page on the phrase where, it turns out, someone in the last decade found not only a much earlier cite than the 1907 baseball reference but what is likely to be the true origin of the phrase. It comes from an old joke...
HISTORY OF A DECADE THAT HAS NOT YET BEEN NAMED Thierry Raspail, Artistic Director LET'S TALK BIENNIALS: A few decades ago art historian George Kubler came up with the notion of the "Prime Object": a form, picture or building whose factuality is acquired retrospectively, as the product of...
Points of today's update (November 1986 - April 1987): 1. Reykjavik Summit 2. Crimea/Riots in Western Ukraine 3. Sakharov 4. Sino-portugese declaration 5. NCPSU 6. Iran - Iraq War 7. China - India Border disputes 8. Situation in DDR 9. Phosphorite war Votes: 1. Phosphorite war 2...
in which “ he chose to couch his religious and social criticism in the form of an exchange of letters between three Jews who combined a general education with loyalty to Jewish tradition” passed away today.
The Cimmerian Bosporus, in the Crimea, was a very long lived Greek and Hellenistic colonial kingdom that passed under Roman protection and survived all the way to conquest by the Goths. This span, over very different eras, all by itself makes the kingdom of great interest. Only Armenia and...
Nevertheless, the transfer of Crimea brought about large demonstrations in Western Ukraine organized by Ukrainian Nationalists, who protested against the referendum and the communist rule over Ukraine. The protest were quickly quelled, nevertheless, Ukrainian nationalist and independence organizations gained...
Trafalgar to Korea five British battles, 1805-1951 UK: covers also Egypt 1882, D Day, & the Crimea. This site was created by the Public Record Office. It forms part of their Pathways to the Past online exhibitions and learning packages section. It provides access to information on the caus...