Commedia dell’arte, Italian theatrical form that flourished throughout Europe from the 16th through the 18th century.
Harlequin, one of the principal stock characters of the Italian commedia dell’arte; often a facile and witty gentleman’s valet and a capricious swain of the serving maid. In the early years of the commedia (mid-16th century), the Harlequin was a zanni
La Commedia dell'Arte literally means "Artistic Comedy", probably named as a contraposition to the standard way of making theater in that period. It has been renamed in English as "Italian Comedy" probably due to the fact it originates and had its high points in Italy. TheCommedia dell'Art...
A new Commedia dell'Arte school, Physical comedy, Commedia characters, Acting, Lazzi, Mime, del'arte, Acrobatics, Mime Movement Theatre, Mask work, Mask Making, Hovey Burgess, Stanley Allan Sherman