theater, Orthodox Coptic Christianity, Islam and ancient ethnic identities. "The History of Ethiopia" paints a vivid picture of a dynamic and compelling country and region for students, scholars, and general readers seeking to grasp twenty-first century global relations. The work also provides a ...
The missionary factor in Ethiopia. Papers from a symposium on the impact of European missions on Ethiopian society, Lund University, August 1996. Edited by Getatchew Haile, Aasulv Lande and Samuel Rubenson. (Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, 110.) Pp. x+222. Frankfurt am ...
Christianity in Japan: Feminism: International reigns: Martial arts, 1850-present: (in Portuguese) Publishing and the Internet: http:/...
of Christianity to Tigray, Ethiopia in about 320 AD, and subsequent leaders began founding churches and establishing monasteries. Traditionally, every Tigreayan was entitled to a piece of land by virtue of the fact that he/she belongs by birth to a given community (Rsti). However, over the ...
In the dusty highlands of northern Ethiopia, a team of archaeologists recently uncovered the oldest known Christian church in sub-Saharan Africa, a find that sheds new light on one of the Old World’s most enigmatic kingdoms—and its surprisingly early conversion to Christianity. ...
Edward Wilmot Blyden, Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race (1887, repr. Edinburgh: University Press, 1967 ). Google Scholar Philip S. Zachernuk, Colonial Subjects: An African Intelligentsia and Atlantic Ideas (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000 ). For the general context see ...
The Egyptian Coptic Church in Sudan and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church still exist today. Though persecuted, their presence is testimony to the historicity of Christianity in Africa.4There is growing evidence that the Nile Valley and present-day Ethiopia launched Christianity in Southern and Western Af...
The spread of Orthodox Christianity in the New World has occurred mainly as a result of immigration from Eastern Europe. There are two regions, however, where this is not the case: Alaska and the Caribbean. The story of the conversion of the Aleut, Tlingit, and Yupik nations in Alaska ...
William Wilberforce, a leader of the fight against the slave trade, considered that the conversion of India to Christianity was a cause greater than the abolition of slavery: 'He told the House of Commons in 1813, in the debate which preceded the new India Act [which ended the East India ..., stick fighting, Donga, Ethiopia) Nubian wrestling), wrestling, Senegal) ...