Although this effect lasted only a few weeks, and the patient had to return for another set of treatment, this was the first step to the realization that cancer could be treated by pharmacological agents.History of cancer chemotherapyEt Al...
The use of toxic chemicals to kill cancer cells -- what's commonly called chemotherapy -- was a 1940s development. "The dream was to invent a chemical that would kill the cancer cell but spare the normal cell," Mukherjee said. "The problem is that cancers evolve out of normal cells. T...
Chemotherapy has already proven widely effective in the treatment of cancer, occupying a prominent place in the current therapeutic arsenal. However, in recent years, there has been a plateau in the evolution of the clinical results obtained with this modality treatment. In some cases, the limitati...
(35)??? Adjuvant Chemotherapy: 辅助性化疗,属于全身性化疗。在有效的局部治疗后,为防止复发或转移而进行的化疗。 (36)??? Primary Chemotherapy: 对局限性肿瘤,可用局部治疗手段者,在手术或放疗前使用的化疗。 (37)??? Cancer Cell Natural resistance: 肿瘤细胞对某一药物不敏感或处于G0期。 (38)??? Canc...
TCM methods are mostly natural and noninvasive. For example, where Western physicians might employ surgery andchemotherapyor radiation for a cancer patient, a TCM physician might use acupuncture and dietary changes. TCM believes in "curing the root" of a disease and not merely in treating its sy...
Personal history of oral candidiasis was related to a significantly increased risk of oral cavity cancer (OR 5.0, 95% CI 2.1-12.1). History of head and neck cancers among the first-degree relatives was associated with an OR of 1.9 (95% CI 1.2-2.8). The risk increased with the number of...
After the advent of radiotherapy and chemotherapy as two complementary therapeutic modalities to surgery, the campaign against cancer has improved. However, cancer remains a major health challenge that accounts for substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. The present paper briefly reviews the history...
Preservation of fertility in cancer patients: the impact of chemotherapy 35 min Prof. Kutluk H. Oktay Yale University School of Medicine, USA Latest advances in the development of CAR & TCR T-cell trea… Latest advances in the development of CAR & TCR T-cell treatments for solid tumours...
The concept that progression of cancer is regulated by interactions of cancer cells with their microenvironment was postulated by Stephen Paget over a century ago. Contemporary tumour microenvironment (TME) research focuses on the identification of tumour-interacting microenvironmental constituents, such as ...
on the pharmacology of anticancer agents, a founding member of Brown Medical School, and ASCO President from 1969 to 1970. Dr. Calabresi was among the first medical oncologists to recognize the prominence of cancer in the elderly and study the effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy in older...