and that beards are now accepted in corporate America. (The paradox here is that Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to be directed by the Bible and not "the world", but justified their stance on beards by how it is viewed culturally by "the world.") What the video downplays is that it...
After this, beards fell out of favor again for a while for many cultures throughout the world.In 1697, Peter the Great of Russiaeven regarded them as a relic of the old world and the feudal system. Peter saw getting rid of traditional beards as a way of culturally modernizing and moving...
Before facial hair came back into style in the 19th century, it was considered genuinely offensive. By the 18th century,beards were considered a sign of criminal behaviorand sinister intent. You did not want to be caught walking around with a beard. ...
Croydon Radical History. Newsletter No. 5. April 2023.Editorial – Borough of Culture, Publications & Archival Work; Peasants Revolt 1381; People; Miscellaneous; Petitions to Parliament; Freemasonry in the 1840s; Temperance 1841; Dr Daniel Percival Wildbore and the Weller Estate in the 1850s; Te...
The Norse word “skellring” is a term of contempt. It means, roughly, a “babarian.” But what caught my eye . . . was the word “hairy.” The Norse were a hairy people themselves, big men with matted hair and beards. Why did they remark on the “skellring” being hairy? Was ...
In the 1960s, vibrant and psychedelic colors flourished, and rock-and-roll music filled the stage. Classic bands such as Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones brought rock music alive. Men with long hair and beards and women with short skirts replaced the conservative fashion trends of the 1950...
and Sicily. The Nordic Lombardsfollowed their long beards into Italy, intermarried, and vitalized Milan andFlorence into a Renaissance. Nordic Varangians conquered Russia, and ruled ittill 1917. Nordic Englishmen colonized ...
Does Historic Preservation Have a Future in America’s Imploding Cities? byArchitectural Observer|Sep 5, 2023| 3 Comments When the historic preservation movement began roughly a century ago, early efforts were focused on buildings associated with the the founding of the nation and the people instrum...
Recently journalist Amy Beddows rolled through Death Valley in search of that grisly reminder. Arriving in Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America and one of the most desolate places in the world, Beddows headed down the Trona 178 highway to the dirt road which leads to the isolate...
The Taliban supports a strict interpretation and execution of Sharia law.Shariais the legal system described in the Muslim's holy book, the Koran. This resulted in harsh punishments, such as public executions, and amputations as punishments for crimes, as well as men growing beards, and women ...