The gold standard was completely replaced byfiat money, a term to describe currency that is used because of a government's order, or fiat, that the currency must be accepted as a means of payment. In the U.S., for instance, the dollar is fiat money, and in Nigeria, the naira is. ...
Mrs.A Vanitha Jaya RaniR.ChakkaravarthyJETIR(
In the 8th century, the Vikings from the Scandinavian countries of northern Europe, Norway and Denmark in particular, began to attack the English coast. In the process of resisting the Vikings, the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England gradually became united under Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大帝...
BankBillOfExchangeTable BankBillOfExchangeTmp_ES BankChequePaymTrans BankChequeReprints BankChequeTable BankClientOutPaymentLog_RU BankClientPayment_RU BankCodaTransDefTable BankCurrencyRevalHistory BankCurrencyTransferLog_RU BankDeposit BankDepositDocument BankPaymAdviceChequeTmp_...
Russian infiltration. This in turn could outflank the Turkish bastion, a main strongpoint against communism in the Middle East, and open a Red road to the Mediterranean and to Suez, to the oil of Iraq and Arabia, to the coveted ports of the Persian Gulf, and even to Pakistan and India...
Balance First included in: Transaction/TaxSalesTaxPaymentHistoryDetails_IN (this entity) Properties Розгорнутитаблицю NameValue displayNameSubtotal amount dataFormatdecimal isNullabletrue Traits List of traits for the Balance attribute are listed belo...
400 noAvailablePaymentMethod No payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method. 没有为您的帐户指定付款方式。我们建议您添加一种付款方式。 400 BasicInfoUncompleted Your information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation. 您的基本信息未完...
4.If you use autopay or cheque to repay the credit card bill, the payment amount will be held from your available credit limit and recorded as “Transaction in Progress” in your account temporarily until the payment is processed. 5.Credit card account balance update upon payment submission: ...
At the dawn of the twentieth century, Americans would have recognized Iran as an important imperial buffer between Russia and India, twice the size of Texas and famous mainly for exporting Persian rugs. Then in 1901, the British-owned Anglo-Persian Oil Company secured an exclusive concession from...
PaymentType_ES First included in: TransactionLine/VendPaymSchedLineHistory (this entity) Properties NameValue dataFormatint32 isNullabletrue Traits List of traits for the PaymentType_ES attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.integer is.nullable ...