1.myth,story,tale,fiction,narrative,saga,fable,folk tale,urban myth,urban legend,folk storythe legends of ancient Greece 2.celebrity,star,phenomenon,genius,spectacle,wonder,big name,marvel,prodigy,luminary,celeb(informal),megastar(informal)the blues legend, B.B. King ...
THE GREAT ISLAND OF ATLANTISwas a paradise on Earth, according to Plato’s dialogue Critias. Situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules (known today to be the Strait of Gibraltar), it held a godlike people, “famous … for their bodily beauty and for the perfection of their moral excellence....
Designer history: Plato's Atlantis story and fourth-century ideology. Studies the contents of the myths of Athens, Greece and Atlantis by Plato. Parallels between the Atlantis myth and contemporary panegyric versions of Athen... Morgan,Kathryn,A. - 《Journal of Hellenic Studies》 被引量: 7发表...
Atlantis Story: A Short History of Plato's Myth [Pierre Vidal-Naquet] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping onqualifying offers. Atlantis remains a perrenial fascination, wild theories as to its whereabouts abound and it sits only just behind the Grailwww.amazon.com/Atlantis-Story-Short-History-...
Plato has preserved for us the history of Atlantis. It is one of the most valuable records which have come down to us from antiquity.
Scholars of Africa, Europe, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean joined the ranks of Americanists, who themselves began questioning the founding myth. The explanatory framework favored in the early 21st century focuses on migration systems involving both free and coerced labor (and gradations ...
Man, Myth and Mayhem in Ancient History and the Sciences Have there been worldwide catastrophic events in mankind's more recent past?Catastrophism!is a CD-Rom disc where you can investigate this suggestion for yourself.Catastrophism!containsthousandsof articles from the leading journals over the past...
Define protohistory. protohistory synonyms, protohistory pronunciation, protohistory translation, English dictionary definition of protohistory. n. The study of a culture just before the time of its earliest recorded history. pro′to·his·tor′i·an n.
You've heard of Atlantis, right? The lost underwater city? Well this creepy myth could be the inspiration for the fabled sunken metropolis. The story of the disappearing island of Teonimanu starts with infidelity and ends with bloody revenge, as all good legends — and soap...
These tales were taken as fact in classical times, but later historians doubted their historical basis, placing them in the category of Plato’s Atlantis. So, there was considerable surprise, then, when amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, spurred by the findings of another amateur, Frank Cal...