The cultivation of soybeans in China predates recorded history and spread from there to other countries in eastern Asia before the modern period. So essential was the soybean to Chinese civilisation that it was considered one of the five sacred grains (the others being rice, barley, wheat, and...
Artichoke, large thistlelike perennial plant of the aster family grown for its edible flower buds. The thick bracts and the receptacle of the immature flower head are a culinary delicacy with a delicate nutlike flavor. Learn more about the artichoke plan
Name of food [Ref.]Region of originHow preparedMajor nutrients provided Vegetables Casava [1] Brazil Cooked vegetable or bread Carbohydrate Chili & bell peppers Central America Cooked, raw, or seasoning Vitamin C, flavonoids Jerusalem Artichoke North America Raw or cooked Probiotic fiber, minerals, ...
WhileS. turkestanicais autochthonous in Central and Southern Asia,S. tetrandrais autochthonous in the Middle East and Transcaucasia (Fig.1; Hassler2018). Collecting of wild spinach by local inhabitants was observed during collecting expeditions of the Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (C...