75 years later than the founding of this great University of Calcutta and 75 years earlier than now, the university itself published a very remarkable book on Vedic mathematics which is the theme of the present oration in a broad sense. The book is titled The Science of the Sulba (1932) ...
History Tuition Notes on History of India, History of Ancient India, Medieval History of India, Modern History of India
The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, 5th ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York, 2003. http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/People/Archimedes/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes> 亚里士多德 亚里士多德(前384年-前322年3月7日),古希腊哲学家,柏拉图的学生、亚历山大大帝的老师。他是世界古代史上...
India's history is a cornerstone of its national identity, reflecting a journey through diverse cultures, kingdoms, and civilizations. The country's historical narrative—from the ancient Vedic period and the rise of empires like the Maurya and Gupta to the cultural renaissance under Mughal rule an...
Ancient India History | Bangalore History | Chennai History | Delhi History | Hyderabad History | Kolkata History | Mumbai History | Andhra pradesh History | Arunachal pradesh History | Assam History | Bihar History | India Pakistan History | Maharashtra History | Indian History | History of India...
The variational lower bound v>0.39 pi(2) determined by Ivers (1984) for the infimum decay rate v of axisymmetric poloidal magnetic fields is corroborated numerically and an upper bound v<0.66 pi(2) established. This is achieved by correcting and extending results for certain flows considered ...
When studying mathematics, one is often reminded of the historical context of the subject . From ancient civilizations to modern society, the study of mathematics and its applications is present. A Brief History of Mathematics takes the reader on a journey through the Middle East, Ancient Greece ...
Ancient Indian mathematics See also: Indian mathematics The method known as "Modus Indorum" or the method of the Indians have become our algebra today. This algebra came along with the Hindu Number system to Arabia and then migrated to Europe. The earliest known Indian mathematical documents are...
Mathematics EducationMathematics HistoryMathematics InstructionSecondary School MathematicsTeaching MethodsThis chapter provides an overview of the papers, journals, and books focusing on the history of mathematics. K.O. May, (University of Toronto Press, Toronto/Buffalo, 1973) is over 800 pages in ...
Not much is known about Aryabhata, but his legacy in the fields of science and mathematics holds true to this day. Explore the brief history and biography of Indian mathematician Aryabhata, including his Hellenistic world and his contributions to the study of time, math, and astronomy. ...