The Roman Empire and Qing Dynasty are now only ruins, but there's far more to discover about the ancient world. Explore classical history, mythology, language, and literature, and learn more about the many fascinating figures of the ancient world.
History Of The Babylonians And Assyrians: Civilization Of Old Babylonia: Literature, Science, Art, And ReligionGodspeed, George
An evil of civilization just as terrible as war, every ancient civilization including the Persians, Babylonians, and even the HEBREWS themselves used slavery. (Exodus 21:20)"Ancient Metropolis" The ancient world was amazing even compared to our modern cities. ...
The Greek god Crius is a vague mover in ancient Greek mythology, known only through associations and ancient history. As one of the Titan brothers who castrated Uranus and ruled during the Golden Age, Crius has been a mystery for centuries. Come with us as we explore the various speculations...
Serpents in Symbolism, Art and Medicine: The Babylonian Caduceus and Aesculapius Club The serpent symbol goes back in history to the earliest times. The serpent as a medical sign has been considered variously as the symbol of wisdom, rejuvenation, longevity and convalescence. The caduceus with th...
The "tablets show that the exiles and their descendants had, at least to some extent, adopted the local language, script and legal traditions of Babylonia a relatively short time after their arrival there," Abraham wrote. The Babylonians were eventually conquered by theancient Persiansin 539 B...
ResidenceOfJulianAtAntioch.-HisSuccessfulxpedition AgainstThePersians.-PassageOfTheTigris-TheRetreatAnd DeathOfJulian.-lectionOfJovian.-HeSavesTheRomanArmy ByADisgracefulTreaty. ThephilosophicalfablewhichJuliancomposedunderthename oftheCaesars,1isoneofthemostagreeableandinstructive productionsofancientwit.2Duringthe...
and it became the largest ancient settlement in Mesopotamia. There were two sets of fortified walls and massive palaces and religious buildings, including the central ziggurat tower. Nebuchadnezzar is also credited with the construction of the famous “Hanging Gardens.” However, the last Babylonian ...
Traditionally, the residential quarters of a city were divided along ethnic and religious lines. Today, this system has been largely replaced by divisions along class lines, with some wealthier neighborhoods and some poorer ones. Damascus is an ancient city, and along with Aleppo, one of the ...
Explore the history and culture of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Discover when the Assyrian Empire started and major accomplishments of this ancient...