Immigration, process through which individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country. Many modern states are characterized by a wide variety of cultures and ethnicities that have derived from previous periods of immigration. Learn mor
The immigration of a highly skilled worked force was also encouraged in the areas of health, education and technology, mostly from Europe.The United States of America America was built by immigrants. From Plymouth Rock in the seventeenth century to Ellis Island in the twentieth, people born ...
In a sense, the history of the United States is a history of immigration. From the beginning of the founding of the United States to the present, the history of immigration continues. At the time of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the total population of the United ...
East European Jews in America, 1880-1920: Immigration and Adaptation: American Jewish HistoryJews, East EuropeanThis volume, in three parts, provides a wealth of articles on the migration and settlement of East European Jews in all parts of the States from Pennsylvania to Detroit and from Rhode...
“Nine colleges founded in the colonial era, from Harvard in 1636 to Dartmouth in 1769, perpetuated these elites.” Still, America was less socially stratified. “The image of America as a more open, less hierarchical society, which would survive into an industrial age of great fortunes and ...
Jewish immigration remained relatively slow, however, until the rise of Adolf Hitler in Europe. Nevertheless, the Arab population feared that Palestine would eventually become a Jewish state and bitterly resisted Zionism and the British policy supporting it. British forces struggled to maintain order ...
Immigration History Mexicans Immigration Controversies “It is not better for America to do nothing about an immigration system that hurts families, hampers businesses, and harms communities.” Rep. Luis Gutierrez A Los Angeles immigrant rally in 2006 “Our immigration system is a broken system that...
Ch 13.The Progressive Era of the Early 20th... Ch 14.American Imperialism & World War... Ch 15.1920s America Ch 16.America and the Great Depression Ch 17.America and the Second World War Causes of World War II | Start & Impact9:04 ...
1849:America’s first anti-immigrant political party, theKnow-Nothing Partyforms, as a backlash to the increasing number of German and Irish immigrants settling in the United States. 1875:Following the Civil War, some states passed their own immigration laws. In 1875 theSupreme Courtdeclares that...
•ThischapterwilltracethehistoricalgrowthoftheUnitedStatesandexaminehowthecountryhasdevelopedintoitspresentstagewithinsuchashortperiodoftime.Page4 I.DiscoveryandEnglishSettlement(1492-1607)A.ReasonsfortheinvasionofAmerica 1 Passions—greed,dreamsofsecularandspiritualempire,thecompetitionfornationalprestigeandpower...