Posted in Fran Favorite | Tagged AFA, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Association of Fraternity Advisors, Bob McNair, C.H.U.C.K., Dr. James Naismith, Eileen Stevens, Mizzou IFC, Omega Phi Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon | Comments Off on Meetings, Milestones, and More A...
Posted in Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities, GLO, Greek-letter Organization, Greek-letter Organization History, Iota Alpha Pi, National Panhellenic Conference, Sorority History, Women's Fraternity History | Tagged Alpha Delta Theta, Beta Phi Alpha, Beta Sigma Omicron, Defunct NPC group...
The first social event Frances Haven attended was a church oyster supper. There she met Charles Melville Moss, a Psi Upsilon, who would later become her husband. She also met two members of Alpha Phi, a women’s fraternity founded at Syracuse in October of 1872. Instead of accepting the i...
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Below are the letters of the Greek alphabet and their English pronunciation: Αα - Alpha Ιι - Iota Ρρ - Rho Ββ - Beta Κκ - Kappa Σσ - Sigma Γγ - Gamma Λλ - Lambda Ττ - Tau Δδ - Delta Μμ - Mu Υυ - Upsilon Εε - Epsilon Νν - Nu Φφ - Phi ...
as reconstructed using the indirect proxy method. the concept of solar activity is discussed along with an overview of the special indices used to quantify different aspects of variable solar activity, with special emphasis upon sunspot number. over long timescales, quantitative information about past ...
-> # Example of UTF-8 special characters <- This example shows UTF-8 special characters. ae = ä, oe = ö, ue = ü, ss = ß alpha = ?, beta = ?, upsilon = ?, phi = ? Omega = ?, Delta = ?, Sigma = ? ??? ?rectangle?
History of the University of Arkansas Founded in 1871, the University of Arkansas is the flagship campus of the U of A System, the primary institution of higher education in the state and a national leader in applied research. Today, the university is among the 2 percent of public ...
Phi Mu, Sigma Kappa, Sorority History, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, The Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Thiel College, University of California, University of California at Berkeley, University of Illinois, University of Missouri, Women's Fraternity History, Zeta Tau Alpha | Tagged Alpha ...