'The Before Times were a great time, one where we didn't need to fear spreading disease every time we convened with others.' In the Before Times, concerts, parties and restaurants weren't avoided. Can we jump to the aftertimes already?
Composed of widely diverse groups divided on the issues of free love and women’s political and economic rights, the American movement, like its British counterpart, was united in the need for a single moral standard, and the word “chastity” figured frequently in the literature. Because Social...
Of the three books, only one is written by a historian—namely, Temma Kaplan, whose Democracy: A World History is among the thematic and topical volumes of the series called The New Oxford World History . (Other thematic volumes include food, the city, and migration; there are also ...
Although 'fascism' is deeply tied to Mussolini and his political party, the word has origins that harken back to ancient Rome, and saw use in Italy before the dictator's rise. Read on for more, and a debunking of a rumor about Merriam-Webster.
Dude: a long history of a short word Word Origins And How We Know Them Anatoly Liberman's column on word origins, The Oxford Etymologist, appears on the OUPblog each Wednesday. Subscribe to Anatoly Liberman’s weekly etymology articles via email or RSS. Buy Now By Anatoly Liberman ...
“A bottle of history, please.” “History?” I replied. A drunk middle-aged man lifted his head, gazing at him with confusion in his eyes. Three old men whispered to each other and burst out scornful and sympathetic laughter. “History” was a distant word for the current people. Scarc...
14. A) At the end of November. B) In the middle of December. C) In the middle ofNovember. D) At the beginning of December 15. A) Churches. B) The government. C) Store owners. D) Common families. 16. A) Go to work. B) Go traveling. C) Play games. D) Help each other....
Emily Brewster: Let us know what you think about Word Matters. Review us wherever you get your podcasts, or email us at wordmatters@m-w.com. You can also visit us at nepm.org. And for the word of the day, and all your general dictionary needs, visit merriam-webster.com. Our theme...
The entry into English and subsequent shift in meaning of bothpupilandpuppyis fairly clear; forpuppetit is somewhat murkier. For while we are certain that the word comes frompupait is not obvious which was its first English meaning. The sense of "a small-scale figure of a human or other...
The Cleopatras: The Forgotten Queens of Egypt by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones Read expert recommendations “The Cleopatras by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones is about all the queens called Cleopatra: the one most of us know about being, in fact, Cleopatra VII. You learn a lot about Ptolemaic Egypt as well...