Name of Unit: Marine Raiders Branch of Military: United States Marine Corps Military Allegiance: United States Armed Forces Years of Active Military Service: 1942–1944; 2014–Present Military Role: Light Infantry; Special Operations Size: Approximately 8,078 in World War II; Current numbers unknown...
The region with the highest marine biodiversity on our planet is known as the Coral Triangle or Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA)1,2. Its enormous biodiversity has long attracted the interest of biologists; however, the detailed evolutionary history of the IAA biodiversity hotspot remains poorly unde...
At 1500 hours, Japanese troops crossed the Bazi Bridge in Zhabei district amidst mortar attacks by troops of Chinese 88th Division. At 1600 hours, warships of Japanese 3rd Fleet bombarded Chinese positions. [Second Battle of Shanghai | Shanghai | CPC] Units of the US 4th Marine Regiment ...
The United States Marine Corps established the Marine Detachment, London in Britain, consisted of the 12th Marine Company. [London, England | CPC] Resulting from a debate in the British Parliament on 10 July 1940 in which some members had argued that internment of foreign aliens was wasteful of...
The Marine Corps has a long, proud history and, more so than any other branch of America's military, it values and embraces that history.
marine geological survey and research 0. 引言 自从地球上生命的演化出现人类至今,已经有三百多万年的历史了。在这三百万年的历史长河中,人类社会经历了一次又一次天灾与人祸的劫难,也创造了一个又一个的人间奇迹和科学的辉煌。 从人类社会发展的历史可以清楚地看出,人类社会的发展史实际上是一部矿产资源开发利...
“Victory was never in doubt…its cost was,” 3rd Marine Division leader Graves B. Erskine later said of Iwo Jima. “What was in doubt, in all our minds, was whether there would be any of us left to dedicate our cemetery at the end, or whether the last Marine would die knocking out...
Anderson EM (1951) The dynamics of faulting and dyke formation with application to Britain, 2nd edn. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh Google Scholar Arai K, Inoue T (2022) Geological map of the vicinity of Kumejima Island. Marine geology map series, no. 92, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Tsu... visitors will find interesting links and images to do with the Diversity of Life, all of it the Creation of the One Creator, the people, places, things and events, which are happening all around and within us.
Sediment cores collected at Lake Kogare-ike, a coastal lake on the Pacific coast of central Japan, record the marine inundation history during the last 3000 years. The sediments consist mainly of organic mud, sand, gravel, inorganic mud, and volcani