Study Level Masters The MA in History is innovative, creative, free-thinking, stimulating, diverse and challenging – everything that is distinctive about history at Goldsmiths. The focus of this MA is primary research and students will be encouraged to follow their own historical interests. Each...
Study Level Masters The Modern History course focuses on European and British history from the mid-18th century onwards and explores the key topics of the period, from European nation building to modern British politics. It is designed primarily for students interested in Continental European an...
Masters Our commitment to free training for our workers was reinforced with new professional master's degrees, in various areas, in partnership with the IPCA. Winner of the IV dstangola/Camões Literature Prize The Angolan writer Boaventura Cardoso is the grand winner of the 4th edition of...
MPhil History at University of Essex, listed on - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland
structure in Scotland and the only structure of its height in the world that revolves 360 degrees from its base. Scotland’s first public museum, the Hunterian (established in 1807), is housed on the grounds of the University of Glasgow. Glasgow’s richarrayof cultural institutions also ...
is a part of everyday life and understanding. Aron takes the example of a bell in the chambers of a bourgeois apartment. He argues that in order to understand the use and function of this object, we have to understand the logic of class society, the distinction between masters and servants...
As the PhD spread throughout the world in the 19th and early 20th century, it became to be seen as more advanced than the masters degree due to the research requirement. And that is how the current three-tier system of degrees was developed. ...
We also provide information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas. About us About usOur TeamAdvertiseOur PartnersContact usPost a Job MagazineCoursesMastersInternshipsIssuesJob board Subscribe ...
in psychology from the University of Edinburgh, and holds master’s degrees in parapsychology (MS, John F. Kennedy University), and in history (MA, Duke University). His work has centered on studies about the history of psychical research, and on survey research (on out-of-body experiences ...
At Hull, you research history under the supervision and guidance of leading experts who are active historians working on everything from ancient Rome to modern Britain. We offer postgraduate research degrees at both Masters and PhD levels in a wide variety of historical subjects, genres, discipline...