Translations of "History of China" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any The most serious disaster in the recent history of China A.中国近代历史上最为严重的灾难 MultiUn His most recent project is The History of China in two volumes. ...
語言學史 is the translation of "history of linguistics" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: INAH has the National School of Anthropology and History located in Mexico City and Chihuahua, and the National School of Restoration and Museum Sciences, which award degrees in social anthropology, ... 北京的二环所在地曾是代表着防御、封闭的古代城墙与护城河,之后被快速路和地铁取代;目前,它是首都里的“首堵”,割裂着城市 肌理。 [...] recognition was sought: an operational approachthatlooked at the historyofthe debtor’s ...
The simplified Chinese translation for History is 历史, and the traditional Chinese translation for History is 歷史. If you are interested in finding out the Chinese translations for the phrases or words not included here and that you are willing to pay a small fee for our services, please ...
In the realmofhistory,20yearsmayseem like a short time, but for the current generation it has served as a time of great change,withthebuilding of independent statehood [...] 在历史长河中,20年看似短暂,但对当代人而言,这是 沧桑巨变的 20 年,这一期...
网络中国翻译史 网络释义 1. 中国翻译史 中国翻译文学史,the history... ... ) Chinese translated literature 中国翻译文学 )Chinese translation history中国翻译史...|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,中国翻译史
Chinese translation historyThe history of translation in China The history of translation in China is extensive and profound enough in impact to be almost epic. China's philosophical, political, and cultural outlooks change in distinct relation to the translation of other nation’s languages to its...
1)Chinese translation history中国翻译史 英文短句/例句 1.China s translation under the context of post-colonialism;后殖民语境下的中国翻译史和翻译策略 2.An Inspiring Book:The Translation History of China in the 20th Century;论百年译史 话译学未来——方华文教授《20世纪中国翻译史》简评 3.Ideological...
Translations of "History of Xi'an" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any The 3rd SRIFF 2016 Wrapped Up in Xi'an Film The Choice of History Held in Xi’an 哈萨克斯坦电影《历史的抉择》首映礼西安举行 ParaCrawl Corpus The Closing Ceremony...