A suitable growth medium can be generated through the hydrolysis of organic matter [104,105,106,107]. Lignocellulosic biomass is attractive as a hydrolysis feedstock in terms of availability, and research into macroalgae has been presented to produce a food-grade oil [104]. The sugar selling pri...
Evidence of the importance of aromatics in Tamil, India, is presented in the poetic work ofCilappatikāram(c 5th century C.E.), which mentions that scent of sandalwood, aloeswood, musk, and civet emanating from the city of Madurai (capital of the Pandya kingdom) could be detected by trav...
Revealing the ancient Pallava Dynasty of Dravidia to be of the Iranic race, and as constituting a branch of the Pahlavas, Parthavas or Parthians of Persia. Uncovering the consequent Iranic foundations of Classical Dravidian architecture. Describing A Short History of the Pallavas of Tamil Nadu,...