He who doesn’t understand history is doomed to repeat it. Pittacus Lore We’re doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That’s what it is to be alive. Kurt Vonnegut It’s been my experience, Langford, that the past always has a way of returning. Those who don’t learn, or can...
Hepworth’s film at first appears to be simply a static shot of a train, which is seen emerging from the tunnel ahead. Once that train has gone by, though, the train the camera is mounted on begins moving and enters the tunnel as well, creating the ideal moment for Smith’s film to ...
In short, it is believed that nature is made of 2 opposing force, the yin and the yang. The yin is often associated with darkness and weak and feminine power whereas yang would be brightness and strong and masculine power. To Dong, portents happened due to the imbalance of the yin-yang ...
Baker, “The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans,” The New Yorker, November 27, 2016 (https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-tragic-forgotten-history-of-black-military-veterans). General interest articles on the Harlem Hellfighters are plentiful on the internet; those ...
To speak of ultimate things like dying, death, and the spirit realm beyond this world, the Sioux used a kind of poetry of indeterminacy. They explained what they could and consigned the rest to a category of things humans cannot know, or had perhaps forgotten. There was no single correct ...
For every poet it is always morning in the world; history a forgotten, insomniac night. The fate of poetry is to fall in love with the world in spite of history. —Derek Walcott 73 I look for the good in people. Sometimes I get hurt for it, but it's rare and it's worth it. ...
The Fate of Africa A History of the Continent Since Independenceby Martin Meredith The definitive story of African nations after they emerged from colonialism -- from Mugabe's doomed kleptocracy to Mandela's inspiring defeat of apartheid. The Fate of Africa has been hailed by reviewers as "A ma...
Thus the pulpit, which had played a prominent part in the early Church, but had long been forgotten, was again set up, and men gathered round it, as being almost solely the font of Divine knowledge so long as the Bible in the vernacular was scarcely accessible. The preacher had to ...
Somewhere along the line humans forgot that they were telling stories because they were integral to the universe, and the universe had been doing it since long before they were around. And they also seem to have forgotten that the universe creates upgrades out of the complex symbiosis of a se...
The Other Three Million Who Died in the Holocaust: The Forgotten Story of the Christians in Poland World War II in Poland “You Would Have Done the Same for Me”: The Story of Helena Kotula A War Memory (World War II) written by Anna Grabiec Blizna and Niwiska: Their Role in the ...