Book Title: The Secret History Author: Donna Tartt Year Published: September 16, 1992 Goodreads Rating: 4.17/5 Availability: Buy the PDF from Amazon. See our guide on how to convert EPUB to PDF. After you have purchased The Secret History, follow these instructions to download it from Google...
The BIG FAT NOTEBOOK™ series is built on a simple and irresistible conceit—borrowing the notes from the smartest kid in class. There are five books in all, and each is the only one book you need for each main subject taught in middle school: Math, Science, American History, English,...
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A First Book in American History 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Continuing the biographical approach to teaching history found in his Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans, Eggleston draws a more in-depth picture of the development of the United Ststes using the stories of the liv...
3.历史百科The history book 本书用简明的图表和精美的图片将历史上的重要概念及主题进行了阐释。远至恺撒大帝,近至奥巴马总统,历史上那些赫赫有名的领袖、思想家,以及重要人物的生平将一一呈现在你的眼前,让你得以深入洞悉那些引发世界变革的历史事件。无论你是酷爱历史的学生,还是刻苦钻研的学者,请细细品读书中的...
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