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Fixed issue where another application on Mac could corrupt the Java installation and corrupt ChemDoodle by placing incompatible libraries in the public Java classpath. Be careful of other Java applications that you install! Some anti-virus software were incorrectly flagging ChemDoodle's uninstaller. We...
A Social History of the Chinese Book 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 周绍明(Joseph P.McDermott)执教于英国剑桥大学圣约翰学院,在宋明间社会经济史研究方面著述丰富,是《剑桥中国史》宋代经济一章作者之一,主编《中国国家与宫廷礼权》、《东亚的艺术与权力》,最近刚刚完成一部关于徽州史的长篇论著。中国古...
《The Natural History Book》是美国·史密森国家自然历史博物馆100周年纪念出版物。自出版以来就风靡全球,目前已经有多国语言译本、并且重印多次!每一个喜欢阅读、热爱科普的大人和孩子,读过后,都会对它赞不绝口,收获满满。翻开书,就像翻开了大自然的宝库,可以足不出户近距离围观地球上各个区域物种的视觉盛宴。 图书...
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! Support for static resource loading from classpath. ! Merged all GWT based modules into a single one to improve page load time. - Improved workplace error dialog. * Fixed security issue advisory ID SYSS-2015-063 with XSS in displayresource.jsp. * Fixed security issue related to com...
January 6, 2011 Historian Audra Wolff has completed the Herculean task of creating a folder-level list of the contents of the Bentley Glass archive at the APS – all 90 linear feet of it! See her note on Facebook. Interested scholars are invited to email Wolfe for a copy. Glass apparentl...
(Dibble & Anderson, Book 6, p.209). Tezcatlipoca was invoked as the patron of this child’s educational career. (Dibble & Anderson, Book 6, p.210) If the parents chose to send the child to the calmecac, a celebration was still held, but instead the class of priests called quaqua...