The actor and producer will host and narrate a new 20-part documentary series on A+E Networks‘ History Channel about World War II, which was also the setting for “Band of Brothers,” the dramatic miniseries he helped produce that aired on HBO in 2001. The new series, untitled and based...
This short but informative documentary is a great introduction for those who have interest in but little exposure to Russian history at the turn of the century. Related: The Russians Had Women's 'Battalions of Death' In World War I Watch It Now Secrets of Great British Castles Photo ...
Chapter 1: Most Wanted The return of the documentary, picking up in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, when the Allies uncovered the scale of the Holocaust. Preparations began for a trial at Nuremberg, where 22 of the highest-ranking Nazis, including Hermann Goering, were to fa...
Becker, Jules
World War 2: The Complete History: With Peter Dickson. A broad scoped, yet in-depth and neutral perspective of the Second World War. From its beginning with the Versaille Treaty and the invasion of Manchuria, to its conclusion at the Nuremburg Trials and
Their arrival in the United States in February 1964 sparked what became known as “Beatlemania,” a movement that not only redefined the music world but also influenced the broader cultural landscape. The documentary Beatles ’64 offers a fascinating glimpse into this groundbreaking era. Featuring ...
The man in charge of the documentary is not the intellectual person one would expect and is disappointing. I love the history channel, but you rate a c plus on this one. August 23, 2010 at 3:51 pm 96 ·rachel i’m 14 and i like learning about ancient civilizations. 9 times out of...
2025 (2) 2025 January – New ‘Lost Shtetl’ Museum Allegedly Blocks Public Release of Saulius Beržinis’s ‘Masterpiece Documentary’ on the Holocaust in Sheduva. But the Film (and Trailer) are Circulating Widely 2025 January – Some Ins and Outs of the Antisemitic-Led Party now in Li...
History: With Nick Benjamin, Guido Knopp, Isaak Dentler, Sönke Neitzel. Follow the tale of important people in German history. Watch as they go in depth about why they think the way they do, and how they came to make the choices they did in their life
A Brief History of Time: Directed by Errol Morris. With Isobel Hawking, Stephen Hawking, Janet Humphrey, Mary Hawking. A film about the life and work of the cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, who despite his near total paralysis, was one of the great minds of